Using a flat search, you can find a location using only one step. Fill in all the information you know about the target location. Feature Search dynamically composes a select statement and executes it against a flat data table containing the locations.
The generated search statement is as follows.
select <pk_column>, <input_colums> from <table_name> where upper(<input_column>) like upper(<param>) order by <order_column>
If the query returns more than one row, the results are presented in a separate dialog box, and you can select an item to be the center of the next graphic generation.
After you have selected a result (or when only one row has been returned), Feature Search finds the geometry of the selected result. The geometry select statement is as follows:
select <geom_column> from <table_name> where <pk_column> = key
The geometry (coordinates) are saved in the viewport.