Profile Designer: Label Settings

Define the labels for the profile feature classes, title, and location. Labels are placed according to the reference feature’s geometry, unless and alternative geometry is specified.

Sub Detail Title Specifies the name of the sub detail, such as Section Label.
Profile Feature Class Selects the profile label feature class, such as WW_POINT_PRO_TBL. The list displays all profile feature classes of the industry model. See also Profile Designer: Feature Class Attributes.
Reference Feature Selects the reference feature (label parent), such as Manhole. The list displays the titles of all profile feature classes of the industry model.
Label Definition Selects the label definition. The list displays all label definitions of the industry model.
Reference Origin Specifies the relative position of the label features in the local profile coordinate system.

Start Easting

End Easting

Start Northing

End Northing

Specifies the position of a label feature in the profile. If you do not specify any coordinates here, the labels are placed according to the geometry of the reference feature.

Add Profile Width

Select this option to add the profile width to the start and end easting value.

For example, place the profile title.

Add Profile Height Select this option to add the profile height to the start and end northing value.