Plot Decoration Text

The point feature class PLT_PLOT_DECORATION_TEXT stores static text information that is used in plots and plot templates. While plot label text is dynamic and is retrieved for each plot from the database (PLT_PLOT), plot decoration text is static and the same for all plots.

For stylization, PLT_PLOT_DECORATION_TEXT is loaded as an annotation layer. For stylization and configuration use the decoration text properties as shown in the following table.

PLT_PLOT_DECORATION_TEXT attribute name Caption Description


Decorative Label Text

Specifies the content of the text.


Text Size

Specifies the text size, such as large, medium, small. Use this attribute to style the annotation. Relation to domain table PLT_PLOT_TEXT_SIZE_TBD.


Text Style

Specifies the text style, such as normal, bold, italic. Use this attribute to style the annotation. Relation to domain table PLT_PLOT_TEXT_STYLE_TBD.


Text Locked By Template

Specifies that the text cannot be edited when you edit or create a plot.

In AutoCAD Map 3D toolset, when you enter a decoration text, reference records can be defined to enter consistent attributes for styling. For example, use a reference record Heading 1 to set ID_TEXT_SIZE = Large, and ID_TEXT_STYLE = Bold. And use a reference record Heading 2 to set ID_TEXT_SIZE = Medium, and ID_TEXT_STYLE = Normal. For information about reference records, see "Using Reference Records" in the User's Guide.

Decoration text that has been defined in a plot template, and that is not locked, can be edited directly in the Plot New dialog box. For each decoration text, a field appears in the Additional Plot Information section. You can specify the caption of the field as shown in the following table.

PLT_PLOT_DECORATION_TEXT attribute name Caption Description


Additional Plot Information Field Name

Specifies the caption of the field to enter decoration text.