Creating an Intersection

To create an intersection

  1. In the Infrastructure Administrator, do one of the following:
  2. Start the data model administrator.
  3. Right-click the Intersection root item and click Create Intersection.
  4. In the Create Intersection dialog box, specify the properties, as shown in the following table:

Create Intersection Dialog Box Properties




Intersection Name

Specifies the intersection name. The definition of the intersections are saved in the database and can be identified by this name.

Intersection Caption

Specifies the caption that is displayed in the UI.

Feature Class Name

Specifies the name of the intersection feature class that stores the intersection results. For each intersection, the system creates a feature class corresponding to the intersection type.

Feature Class Caption

Specifies the caption that is displayed in the UI.

Execute The Intersection When New Job State Is

Specifies the job state when the intersection is executed, such as Pending, or Open.

Store Geometry

Select this option to store the intersection geometry.By default, the resulting geometry is not saved.

Primary Feature Class area


Primary Feature Class

Specifies the name of feature class. Select an available valid feature class in the list box. At the moment valid feature classes are line string and polygon feature classes.

Where Clause Of Primary Feature Class

Assistant button

Opens the SQL Assistant. Optionally, you use the SQL Assistant to create the WHERE Clause. See Creating SQL Expressions.

Update The Values Of Primary Feature Class

Specifies the values from other tables to be stored in the intersection feature class. These values can be used for reports, which is much faster than making a view and joining the information from other tables and the intersection result in the view.

Use This Job

Job used to get data from DB. If “JOBID” is “0”, the currently selected job is used.

Secondary Feature Class area


Secondary Feature Class

Specifies the name of the feature class. Select an available valid feature class in the list box.

Where Clause For Secondary Feature Class


Assistant button

Opens the SQL Assistant. Optionally, you use the SQL Assistant to create the WHERE Clause. See Creating SQL Expressions.

Update the Values Of Secondary Feature Class

Specifies the values from other tables to be stored in the intersection feature class. These values can be used for reports, which is much faster than making a view and joining the information from other tables and the intersection result in the view.

Use This Job

Specifies the job used to get the data from DB. If “JOBID” is “0”, the currently selected job is used

Adjustment area


These settings are for intersections of two polygon feature classes only.

See Intersections: Adjustment.

Adjust Area_Nominal

Performs an adjustment. Edit the following settings:

Use Only Specified Features For Adjustment (Where Clause)

Defines a WHERE clause that filters the features to be adjusted. Example: s.area>100. s is the alias for the secondary feature class.

Tolerance Area_Nominal

See Intersections: Adjustment.

Tolerance [m] For Intersection

If the result is a polygon, defines a tolerance to clean up the resulting polygon. If two neighboring points lie within this tolerance, one point will be removed. If the pitch of an arc is less than this tolerance, the arc will be linearized.


Specifies a buffer for the inside selection of the primary feature class.

To find the primary features, all features INSIDE the perimeter are returned.

The values are stored in the system table TB_INTERSECTION.