To define an advanced combobox control

  1. In the Infrastructure Administrator, do one of the following:
    • Click Enterprise and connect to the enterprise industry model. Open a project.
    • Click File and open an industry model drawing or template.
  2. Expand the Industry Model node and click Form Designer.

    The form designer is displayed in the right pane. The topics and feature classes are displayed in the form explorer.

  3. In the Designer dialog box, in the right pane, do the following:
    • Select the control FID_LOCATION.
    • Change the DetailList attribute property to HOUSE_NUMBER.
    • Change the DetailSortOrder property to HOUSE_NUMBER.

      The house number is displayed instead of the FID. The Detail ListFilter will not work in this special case, so do not use it.

  4. On the Designer toolbar, click the AdvancedComborBox icon. A control named MASTERBOX1 is created. Change its properties in the left pane as follows:
    • Caption = Street:;

      Detail Control = FID_LOCATION = name of the combo box

      Master Table = LM_STREET

      Master Attribute = FID

      Detail Attribute = FID_STREET

      Display attributes = NAME (attribute with street name)

      Orderby = NAME (sorts by street name)

  5. Click to add another advanced combo box. A control named MASTERBOX2 is created. Change its properties in the left pane as follows:
    • Caption = District:

      Detail Control = MASTERBOX1 (the above Street box)

      Master Table = LM_DISTRICT

      Master Attribute = FID

      Detail Attribute = FID_DISTRICT

      Display attributes = NAME (attribute with name of district)

      Orderby = Name (sorts by district names).

  6. Click to add another advanced combo box. A control named MASTERBOX3 is created. Change its properties in the left pane as follows:
    • Caption = City:

      Detail Control = MASTERBOX2 (the above District box)

      Master Table = LM_CITY

      Master Attribute = FID

      Detail Attribute = FID_CITY

      Display attributes = NAME (attribute with the city name)

      Orderby = Name (sorts by city names)

  7. Reposition the controls as desired and exit the Form Designer.

If SQL errors occur, check the settings of the above steps. Also, check to be certain that the indices of the attributes you have used are set up correctly.

Note: Any use of combo boxes, master boxes and so on will debase performance of the feature class form, because additional SQLs must be executed each time you change the record. This is especially true for Table View mode, which requires many record moves to show the visible records of the grid. Therefore, in table view mode you will notice quite a slowdown if you use basic combo boxes or advanced combo boxes.

Tip: To optimize the speed, check whether you have set indexes on the related attributes.