To create an industry model (import dump file)

Use the Project Manager to import industry models from Oracle (*.dmp) files. Projects cannot be imported.

  1. In the Infrastructure Administrator, click Enterprise and connect to the enterprise industry model.
  2. Create or open the project that will contain the industry models.
    • To create a new project, click the New icon. Enter a project name and click Create.
    • To open a project, click the Open icon. Select the project name and click Open.
  3. In the right pane, in the Project Manager section, under Industry Models, click Import.
  4. In the Industry Model Import dialog box, select Import From Oracle Dump File.
  5. In the File Selection dialog box select the (*.dmp) file.
  6. In the Dump Import dialog box, specify import options, as shown in the following table:

    User name

    The new name of the Oracle database user.


    The Oracle password.


    The Oracle tablespaces that will be used to create a new Oracle user. These settings are used to store new data or indexes.

    If the tablespaces that are specified in your dump file exist, these tablespaces will be used.

    If the tablespaces that are specified in your dump file do not exist, the default tablespaces will be used.


    The default table space.


    Default is TEMPORARY DATA.


    The table space where the data of the index is stored after the import. Default is INDEX.

    Import Parameters

    Controls the dump import. In most cases, these parameters can be left blankThey are provided for expert users.


    The Oracle import function. Default is <ora>\bin\imp.exe.


    The Oracle import arguments. In most cases, these parameters can be left blank. They are provided for expert users.
  7. Click Import to continue.
  8. Log in as an Oracle user with DBA rights, for example SYSTEM.
  9. Click Login.

    The dump file is imported. If necessary, the industry model structure is updated.

  10. To update the industry model structure, click Yes in the dialog box that displays.
  11. To compute the statistics, click Yes in the dialog box that displays (recommended).

    Review the import log file. The import log files are stored in the Log folder (default is <autocad_map3D>\Log.

    The industry model is shown in the Administrator explorer and in the Project Manager.

  12. In the Administrator explorer, select the industry model.
  13. Under Industry Model Settings, on the General tab, you can enter an industry model name that is different from the name of the Oracle database schema.
  14. Click Save.