To Define a Sequential Search

  1. In the Infrastructure Administrator, do one of the following:
    • Click Enterprise and connect to the enterprise industry model. Open a project.
    • Click File and open an industry model drawing or template.
  2. Expand the Industry Model node and click Feature Search Administrator.
  3. Click Create to define a new search.
    • Enter a name, such as Streets.
    • For Type, select Sequential Search.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Feature Search Administrator, click the Statement 1 tab and specify the first query.

    For each statement, enter a title, input type, and select statement. Optionally, enter a geometry statement. To use the SQL Assistant to define the statement, click Assistant. For more information, see Feature Search: Sequential Search.

  6. Click Validate or Execute on select statement tab to test it.
  7. Click Validate on the geometry select statement tab to test it.
  8. If necessary, click each of the Statement 2 to Statement 4 tabs and specify further queries.

    Here is an example of a sequential search that finds a feature by selecting a feature class, then selecting an attribute, and then selecting a value for the attribute.

    Input Value
    Statement 1 tab  
    Name Feature over Attribute. This definition is a sequential search.
    Title Feature Class
    Select Statement select f_class_name, caption from TB_Dictionary where f_class_type <> 'T' order by f_class_name
    Input Type Selection list
    Statement 2 tab  
    Select statement 2

    select COLUMN_NAME from cols where TABLE_NAME = '{0}' and COLUMN_NAME not in (select COLUMN_NAME from user_sdo_geom_metadata where TABLE_NAME = '{0}' or TABLE_NAME = '{0}_HOST')

    Title Attribute
    Input Type Selection list
    Statement 3 tab  
    Title Value
    Select Statement 3 select distinct {1} from {0}
    Input Type Selection list
    Statement 4 tab  
    Title Feature
    Select Statement 4 select fid from {0} where {1}='{2}' order by fid
    Geometry Select Statement SELECT GEOM FROM {0} WHERE FID={3}
    Note: You can define a Not Found message in the TB_POSITION_FINDER system table.
  9. For more information, see Feature Search: Sequential Search.