For each statement, enter a title, input type, and select statement. Optionally, enter a geometry statement. To use the SQL Assistant to define the statement, click Assistant. For more information, see Feature Search: Sequential Search.
Here is an example of a sequential search that finds a feature by selecting a feature class, then selecting an attribute, and then selecting a value for the attribute.
Input | Value |
Statement 1 tab | |
Name | Feature over Attribute. This definition is a sequential search. |
Title | Feature Class |
Select Statement | select f_class_name, caption from TB_Dictionary where f_class_type <> 'T' order by f_class_name |
Input Type | Selection list |
Statement 2 tab | |
Select statement 2 |
select COLUMN_NAME from cols where TABLE_NAME = '{0}' and COLUMN_NAME not in (select COLUMN_NAME from user_sdo_geom_metadata where TABLE_NAME = '{0}' or TABLE_NAME = '{0}_HOST') |
Title | Attribute |
Input Type | Selection list |
Statement 3 tab | |
Title | Value |
Select Statement 3 | select distinct {1} from {0} |
Input Type | Selection list |
Statement 4 tab | |
Title | Feature |
Select Statement 4 | select fid from {0} where {1}='{2}' order by fid |
Geometry Select Statement | SELECT GEOM FROM {0} WHERE FID={3} |
Note: You can define a Not Found message in the TB_POSITION_FINDER system table.
For more information, see Feature Search: Sequential Search.