Gather the information needed for migration and configuration. For each feature in the source data, document the following information.
- Feature type – Enterprise industry model feature type for this feature (point, line, polygon, text, etc)
- Target enterprise industry model feature
- Feature Source - Layer, block name, etc. for the feature
- Attribute – source of attributes
- object data
- extended entity data
- external data
- block names
- block attributes
- label
- symbology
- Any implied attribute values. For example, all poles are 40’ unless the height object data attribute specifies a different value.
- Labels – Do features require one or more labels? Enterprise industry model labels are generated by select statements.
- Feature Rules - Does the feature have any special business rules? For example, a valve always performs a hard split when placed on a pipe, or a tap always performs a soft split when placed on a pipe.
- Symbology – what drives the symbology: color, line style, symbol, themes?
- Integration – is this feature required to integrate with any outside data source? One example is service points may need to integrate with CIS to get customer data.