Exercise 1: Drag and drop a source file

Start by creating a map file and adding the city boundaries of Redding to it.

To create a map and add a source file

  1. Before you begin this tutorial, see Getting Ready to Use the Tutorials.
  2. Create a map file.
    • Click NewDrawing.
    • Select the map2d.dwt template.
    • Click Open.
  3. Set the coordinate system for the map.
    • Click Map SetupCoordinate SystemAssign.
    • Change the Category to USA, California.
    • Right-click Current Drawing and click Coordinate System.
    • Click CA-I.
    • Click Assign.
  4. Add the city boundaries to your map by dragging and dropping a source file to Display Manager.
    • Use File Explorer to navigate to the folder where you copied the sample files for the Build A Map tutorial.
    • Resize the AutoCAD Map 3D toolset window and your sample data folder window so you can see both of them at the same time.
    • Drag and drop the City_Boundary.sdf file onto the Display Manager, just above the Map Base layer.

      The Redding city boundaries appear in your map.

  5. Click Save AsDrawing. In your tutorials folder, name the file build_map1.dwg and click Save.

To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 2: Attach a drawing file.