To Attach a Data Source

To use data from an external data source, attach the data source to the drawing.

To attach a data source by dragging the database file to the Task Pane

  1. Using Explorer or My Computer, select the database file and drag it to the Map Explorer tab of the Task Pane.

    You can drag and drop databases with the following extensions: .udl, .db, .dbf, .mdb, and .xls.

  2. If prompted, select a version and click OK.
  3. If prompted, enter your user name and password.

To attach a data source by right-clicking the Data Sources folder in the Task Pane

  1. Right-click the Data Sources folder on the Map Explorer tab of the Task Pane and select Attach.
  2. In the Attach Data Source dialog box, select the file location and type.

    You can attach databases with the following extensions: .udl, .db, .dbf, .mdb, and .xls.

  3. Click Attach.

    AutoCAD Map 3D toolset creates the necessary configuration files and attaches the database.

    To remove this data source, right-click the data source in the Data Sources folder on the Map Explorer tab of the Task Pane and select Detach.

    While keeping the data source attached, you can disconnect the data source to save resources and reconnect when you are ready to work with the data. To disconnect the data source, right-click the data source in the Data Sources folder on the Map Explorer tab of the Task Pane and select Disconnect. You can reconnect a disconnected data source by right-clicking it again and clicking Connect.