The qtmax Module

The qtmax module contains helper functions for working with 3ds Max Qt Widgets. The module contains the following function:



This function returns the QMainWindow object for the 3ds Max main window. You can use this for parenting widgets to the main window, and to enable docking. See the sample code in Creating Python UIs for an example of how to use this function.

DisableMaxAcceleratorsOnFocus(widget: PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget, disableMaxAccelerators: bool)

This function disables the 3ds Max keyboard accelerators for a specified PySide widget when it, or one of its child widgets, receives focus. Once the widget gets a focusOut event the 3ds Max accelerators are re-enabled.

LoadMaxMultiResIcon(path: str) 

This function loads the multi-resolution icon file located at the specified path and returns it as a PySide2.QtGui.QIcon object suitable for use in a Pyside2 GUI. This convenience function is a wrapper of the C++ MaxSDK::LoadMaxMultiResIcon(). The icon path can point to a standard 3ds Max icon, a custom icon compiled by Qt, or icons on the file system. See the topic "Using Multi-Res Icons in Max and Qt" and the "Icon Guide" in the 3ds Max SDK Help.