Performing Inspection of Classes and Objects in pymxs

There are several functions you can use to inspect objects and classes in pymxs. This topic discusses the most commonly used functions, but there are many more. See the MAXScript Help topic 'Class and Object Inspector Functions', and 'showInterfaces Inspector Function' for more detailed information.


This function searches and prints out information about global variables by name pattern and class of contents. Globals include things like classes, structs (such as polyop, which contains functions for working with EditablePoly objects), and functions. The apropos() function takes three parameters:

pymxs.runtime.apropos(pattern_string, [implicitWild=true|false], [to=pymxs_stream])

Functions that would send output to the listener when executed in MAXScript do not do so in pymxs. For this reason the optional to parameter is actually required in order to obtain useful information from this function.

For example, to get all the globals that contain the string 'plane':


Which produces this output:

StringStream:'PxUpdateGroundPlane (MAXScriptFunction): PxUpdateGroundPlane()
gw.dualPlane (<internal>): SystemGlobal:dualPlane
meshOps.startSlicePlane (Primitive): startSlicePlane()
Planet (const MAXClass): Planet
meshop.moveVertsToPlane (Primitive): moveVertsToPlane()
PFPlaneMeshWrapper (const MAXClass): PFPlaneMeshWrapper
g_thePlane (UndefinedClass): undefined
Plane_Angle (const MAXClass): Plane_Angle
PlaneAngleManip (const MAXClass): Plane_Angle
polyOps.resetPlane (Primitive): resetPlane()
polyOps.startSlicePlane (Primitive): startSlicePlane()
Plane (const MAXClass): Plane
skinOps.gizmoResetRotationPlane (Primitive): gizmoResetRotationPlane()
SectionPlane (const UndefinedClass): undefined
polyop.moveFacesToPlane (Primitive): moveFacesToPlane()
polyop.resetSlicePlane (Primitive): resetSlicePlane()
polyop.getSlicePlane (Primitive): getSlicePlane()
polyop.setSlicePlane (Primitive): setSlicePlane()
polyop.inSlicePlaneMode (Primitive): inSlicePlaneMode()
polyop.moveEdgesToPlane (Primitive): moveEdgesToPlane()
polyop.moveVertsToPlane (Primitive): moveVertsToPlane()

To refine this search to only those globals beginning with 'plane', we can turn off implicit wildcards, and supply one only at the end of the string:

pymxs.runtime.apropos('plane*', implicitWild=false, to=res)

Which produces a much shorter output:

Planet (const MAXClass): Planet
Plane_Angle (const MAXClass): Plane_Angle
PlaneAngleManip (const MAXClass): Plane_Angle
Plane (const MAXClass): Plane

showClass() and showProperties()

The showClass() and showProperties() functions are useful for inspecting specific pymxs classes and their properties. The showClass() function takes a string, while showProperties() takes an object. The showProperties() function has the advantage that it can show dynamic properties that might have been created on the object after it was created.

The showClass() function has the following form:

pymxs.runtime.showClass(pattern_string, [to=pymxs_stream])

The placement of wildcards in the pattern string affects the results found:

For example, to get the classID and properties of the Sphere class:

res = pymxs.runtime.stringStream('')
pymxs.runtime.showClass('sphere.*', to=res)

Which results in:

Sphere : GeometryClass {11,0}
  .typeinCreationMethod (Creation_Method) : integer
  .typeInPos (Type_in_Position) : point3
  .typeInRadius (Radius) : float
  .radius : worldUnits
  .segs (Segments) : integer
  .smooth : boolean
  .hemisphere : float
  .chop (Squash) : integer
  .recenter : boolean
  .mapCoords (Generate_Texture_Coords) : boolean
  .slice (Slice_On/sliceon) : boolean
  .sliceFrom (Slice_From) : angle
  .sliceTo (Slice_To) : angle

The showProperties() function displays the properties of an object that is a specific instance of a class. It has the form:

pymxs.runtime.showProperties(pymxs_object, [pattern_string], [to=pymxs_stream])

For example, to get all the properties for a sphere object:

s = pymxs.runtime.sphere()
res = pymxs.runtime.stringStream('')
pymxs.runtime.showProperties(s, to=res)

After which the result stream res contains:

  .typeinCreationMethod (Creation_Method) : integer
  .typeInPos (Type_in_Position) : point3
  .typeInRadius (Radius) : float
  .radius : worldUnits
  .segs (Segments) : integer
  .smooth : boolean
  .hemisphere : float
  .chop (Squash) : integer
  .recenter : boolean
  .mapCoords (Generate_Texture_Coords) : boolean
  .slice (Slice_On/sliceon) : boolean
  .sliceFrom (Slice_From) : angle
  .sliceTo (Slice_To) : angle
  .realWorldMapSize : boolean


In pymxs, the methods that an object can use are contained in one or more interfaces associated with that object's class. The showInterfaces() function can be used to inspect those interfaces and the methods they contain. The showIntefaces() function has the form:

showInterfaces(pymxs_object, [to=pymxs_stream])

For example to view all the interfaces and associated methods on an Editable_Poly object:

t = pymxs.runtime.teapot()
pymxs.runtime.convertTo(t, pymxs.runtime.editable_Poly)
res = pymxs.runtime.stringStream('')
pymxs.runtime.showInterfaces(t, to=res)

The res stringStream will contain a large number of methods, as the EditablePoly interface exposes a lot of functionality:

 Interface: EditablePoly
    .edgeChamferType : enum : Read|Write
       edgeChamferType enums: {#Standard|#Quad}
    .edgeChamferQuadIntersections : boolean : Read|Write
    <bool>Hide <enum>mnSelLevel flags:<DWORD>
       mnSelLevel enums: {#Object|#Vertex|#Edge|#Face|#CurrentLevel}
       flags default value: 1
    <bool>unhideAll <enum>mnSelLevel
       mnSelLevel enums: {#Object|#Vertex|#Edge|#Face|#CurrentLevel}
    <void>namedSelCopy <string>Name

    ... etc