Orientation_Constraint - superclass: RotationController

Orientation_Constraint - superclass: RotationController; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 2:0 - classID: #(8224, 0) 

An Orientation Constraint causes an object's orientation to follow the orientation of an object or averaged orientation of several objects.

An Orientation Constrained object can be any type of object that inherits its rotation from a target object. Once constrained you can not rotate the object manually. You may move or scale the object as long as its not constrained in a manner that affects the object's position or scale controller.

The target object can be any type of object. The rotation of a target object drives the constrained object. Targets can be animated using any of the standard translation, rotation, scale tools.




<Orientation_Constraint>.relative Boolean default: false -- boolean 
<Orientation_Constraint>.local_world Integer default: 0 -- integer; LocalOrWorld 

Orientation_Constraint interfaces:



<integer>getNumTargets () 

Returns the number of target nodes in the target list.

<node>getNode <index>targetNumber 

Returns the indexed target node.

<float>getWeight <index>targetNumber 

Returns the weight of the indexed target if the targetNumber is relevant, 0.0 otherwise.

<boolean>setWeight <index>targetNumber<float>weight 

Sets the weight of the indexed node specified by targetNumber . Returns True on success, False otherwise.

<boolean>appendTarget <node>target<float>weight 

Appends the specified node to the list and sets its weight to the specified value. Returns True on success, False otherwise.

<boolean>deleteTarget <index>targetNumber 

Deletes the indexed target. Returns True on success, False otherwise.