LightMap : ReferenceTarget

LightMap - superclass: ReferenceTarget; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - classID: #(1920807870, 844480512) 

This is a viewport shader used to display light mapping on DirectX-enabled hardware.




<LightMap>.diffuse_on Boolean default: true -- boolean; DiffuseOn 

Enable/Disable diffuse mapping.

<LightMap>.diffuse_filename String default: undefined -- string 

Get/Set the diffuse map filename.

<LightMap>.diffuse_mapping Integer default: 3 -- integer 

Get/Set the diffuse map channel.

<LightMap>.diffuse_texture Bitmap default: undefined -- bitmap 

Get/Set the diffuse map texture

<LightMap>.lightmap_filename String default: undefined -- string 

Get/Set the light map filename.

<LightMap>.lightmap_mapping Integer default: 3 -- integer 

Get/Set the light map channel.

<LightMap>.lightmap_on Boolean default: true -- boolean; LightmapOn 

Enable/Disable light mapping.

<LightMap>.lightmap_texture Bitmap default: undefined -- bitmap 

Get/Set the lightmap map texture