Editable_Poly Propogate Flags Method

polyop.propagateFlags <Polypoly> <toSOLevel> <toFlag_int><fromSOLevel> <fromFlag_int> \
ampersand:<boolean=false> set:<boolean=true> undoable:<boolean=true>

where toSOLevel/fromSOLevel = {#object | #vertex | #edge | #face}

Propagates component flags.

For each <fromSOLevel> element that has flag <fromFlag_int> set, the <toSOLevel> elements that use or are used by the element have their internal flag variable bits set based on <toFlag_int>.

Only the bits corresponding to the bits that are set in <toFlag_int> are affected.

If <ampersand> is false , and <fromFlag_int> has more than one bit set, the <fromSOLevel> elements are tested to see whether they have any of the corresponding bits set. If true , the <fromSOLevel> component elements are tested to see whether they have all the corresponding bits set.

If <set> is true , the <toSOLevel> elements have flags <toFlag_int> set. If false , these flags are cleared.

If <undoable> is true , the operation in undoable, otherwise it is not.

If bits 1 or 2 of <toFlag_int> are set (selected and dead flag bits), this operation is always undoable.

Returns the number of <fromSOLevel> elements that tested positive for the <fromFlag_int> flags.