CATHierarchyLeaf : FloatController

CATHierarchyLeaf : FloatController {ec62904,185a28dc} 

This Controller is a component of the CAT Motion Controllers Hierarchy of 3ds Max CAT.


Class instances not creatable by MAXScript


 <CATHierarchyLeaf>.Layers (Layer) : float array   

Contains the array of layers.

 <CATHierarchyLeaf>.LayerNames : string array 

Contains the array of layer names.

 <CATHierarchyLeaf>.LeafParent : maxObject 

Contains the parent controller of the leaf controller.

 <CATHierarchyLeaf>.Weights : maxObject 

Contains the Weights controller of the leaf.

 <CATHierarchyLeaf>.LimbData (CATLimbData) : maxObject 

Contains the limb data controller.

 <CATHierarchyLeaf>.DefaultVal : float 

Contains the default value.

 <CATHierarchyLeaf>.ActiveLayer : integer 

Get/set the index of the active layer.