CATMuscle : Helper

CATMuscle - superclass: helper; super-superclass:node - 23:23 - classID: #(401557208, 470706893) 

This Helper Object is part of 3ds Max CAT.




The following properties are actually exposed by the Interfaces below:

 <CATMuscle>.DeformerType String default: "Bones" -- String   

Get/set the Deformer Type as string.

Possible values are "Mesh" and "Bones".

 <CATMuscle>.Colour Color default: (color 148 177 27) -- color 

Get/set the color of the CATMuscle.

 <CATMuscle>.Handles Array default: #($Muscle_Handle:CATMuscle001M_A @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:CATMuscle001M_AC @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:CATMuscle001M_AB @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:CATMuscle001M_B @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:CATMuscle001M_BD @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:CATMuscle001M_BA @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:CATMuscle001M_C @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:CATMuscle001M_CA @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:CATMuscle001M_CD @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:CATMuscle001M_D @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:CATMuscle001M_DB @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], $Muscle_Handle:CATMuscle001M_DC @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined) -- node by value array; 

Contains an array of Muscle_Handle objects.


 <CATMuscle>.HandleSize Float default: 10.0 -- float 

Get/set the size of the Muscle Handles.

 <CATMuscle>.HandlesVisible BooleanClass default: true -- boolean 

Get/set the state of the visibility option of the Muscle Handles.

 <CATMuscle>.LMR Integer default: 0 -- integer 

Get/set the location of the Muscle Strand within the rig.

Possible values are:

-1 - left

0 - center

1 - right

 <CATMuscle>.MiddleHandles BooleanClass default: false -- boolean 

Enable/disable middle Muscle Handles.

 <CATMuscle>.MuscleName String default: "CATMuscle001" --String 

Get/set the name of the Muscle.

 <CATMuscle>.NumCollisionObjects Integer default: 0 -- integer; 

Contains the number of collision objects in the Muscle.


Use the Interface methods listed further on this page to add, remove, get and manage collision object values.

 <CATMuscle>.NumUSegs Integer default: 3 -- integer 

Get/set the number of U Segment.

 <CATMuscle>.NumVSegs Integer default: 2 -- integer 

Get/set the number of V Segment.

CATMuscle interfaces:

Interface: CATMuscleFunctions 


.DeformerType: String: Read|Write 
.MuscleName: String: Read|Write 
.Colour: color : Read|Write 
.LMR: integer : Read|Write 
.NumVSegs: integer : Read|Write 
.NumUSegs: integer : Read|Write 
.HandleSize: float : Read|Write 
.HandlesVisible: boolean : Read|Write 
.MiddleHandles: boolean : Read|Write 
.Handles: node by value array : Read 
.NumCollisionObjects: integer : Read 

See above for properties descriptions.


 <void>AddCollisionObject <node>sphere 

Adds the node supplied as first argument to the list of collision objects.

 <void>RemoveCollisionObject <index>index 

Removes the indexed collision object from the list.

 <node>GetCollisionObject <index>index 

Returns the indexed collision object.

 <float>GetCollisionObjectDistortion <index>index 

Returns the distortion of the indexed collision object.

 <void>SetCollisionObjectDistortion <index>index <float>value 

Returns the Distortion value of the indexed collision object.

 <float>GetCollisionObjectHardness <index>index 

Returns the Hardness value of the indexed collision object.

 <void>SetCollisionObjectHardness <index>index <float>value 

Sets the Hardness of the indexed collision object to the value specified as second argument.

 <void>MoveCollisionObjectUp <index>index 

Moves the indexed collision object up the list.

 <void>MoveCollisionObjectDown <index>index 

Moves the indexed collision object down the list.

 <void>PasteMuscle <maxObject>SourceMuscle 

Pastes the source muscle settings.