Body_Cutter - superclass: GeometryClass; super-superclass:node - 11:6 - classID: #(399379502, 1556289495)
The Body_Cutter object introduced in 3ds Max 2011 is used to perform cut operation on Body Objects.
convertToBodyCutter <node>
Converts the specified geometry to a Body_Cutter
<Body_Cutter>.AutoExtract (Auto_Extract) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Auto Extract Body Objects checkbox.
When set to true, picking a Stock will automatically extract the result of the cutting as a new Body Object.
When set to false (default), the result of the cutting will remain a Body_Cutter object.
<Body_Cutter>.GroupResults (Group_Results) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Group Extracted Results checkbox.
When set to true, the extracted Body Objects will be grouped.
When set to false (default), the extracted Body Objects will remain independent.
<Body_Cutter>.StockOutside (Stock_Outside_Cutters) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Stock Outside Cutters checkbox.
When set to true (default), the stock outside the cutter will be in the result of the cutting operation.
When set to false, the stock outside the cutter will not be in the result of the cutting operation.
<Body_Cutter>.StockInside (Stock_Inside_Cutters) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Stock Inside Cutters checkbox.
When set to true, the stock inside the cutter will be in the result of the cutting operation.
When set to false (default), the stock inside the cutter will not be in the result of the cutting operation.
<Body_Cutter>.CutterOutside (Cutter_Ouside_Stocks) : boolean
Get/set the state of the CutterInside Stock checkbox.
When set to true, the cutter outside the stock will be in the result of the cutting operation.
When set to false (default), the cutter outside the stock will not be in the result of the cutting operation.
<Body_Cutter>.ShowResultOP (Show_Result__Hide_Ops) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Result checkbox.
<Body_Cutter>.ShowAllOperandsOP (Show_Ops__Hide_Result) : boolean
Get/set the state of the All Operands checkbox.
<Body_Cutter>.ShowSelectedOperandsOP (Show_Selected_Operands) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Selected Operands checkbox.
Not Exposed To UI
<Body_Cutter>.TwoSidedMeshesOP (Two_Sided_Mesh) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.SaveBrepsOP (Save_NURBS_Breps) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.FastEditOP (Fast_Edit) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.OP_NOT_USED1 (Update_Radio) : integer
<Body_Cutter>.OP_NOT_USED2 (Update_Now) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.OP_NOT_USED3 (Save_Render_Mesh) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.OP_NOT_USED4 (Save_Viewport_Mesh) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.RenderViewportMeshRA (Render_Viewport_Mesh) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Use Viewport Mesh checkbox.
<Body_Cutter>.RenderRadioRA (Render_Radio) : integer
Get/set the state of the Render Mesh Generation radio buttons.
Possible values are:
0 - View Dependent Approx.
1 - Size Dependent Approx.
<Body_Cutter>.LowQualityRA (LowQuality) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Draft checkbutton.
<Body_Cutter>.MediumQualityRA (MediumQuality) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Good checkbutton.
<Body_Cutter>.HighQualityRA (HighQuality) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Production checkbutton.
<Body_Cutter>.FaceApproxAngleRA (Face_Angle) : float
Get/set the Face Approx. Angle value.
<Body_Cutter>.EdgeApproxAngleRA (Edge_Angle) : float
Get/set the Edge Approx. Angle value.
<Body_Cutter>.FaceChordRA (Face_Chord) : float
Get/set the Face Chors %/Pixels value.
<Body_Cutter>.EdgeChordRA (Edge_Chord) : float
Get/set the Edge Chord %/Pixels value.
<Body_Cutter>.MaxEdgeRA (Edge_Length_Rendering) : float
Get/set the Max.Edge %/Pixels value.
<Body_Cutter>.WeldAndSmoothRA (Weld_and_Smooth) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Weld And Smooth Mesh checkbox.
<Body_Cutter>.SaveRenderMeshRA (Save_Render_Mesh) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Save Render Mesh checkbox.
<Body_Cutter>.DisplayRadioVDS (Display_Radio) : integer
Get/set the state of the Display Options radio buttons.
Possible values are:
0 - Curves
1 - Mesh
2 - Both (default)
<Body_Cutter>.LowQualityVDS (LowQuality) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Coarse checkbutton.
<Body_Cutter>.MediumQualityVDS (MediumQuality) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Medium checkbutton.
<Body_Cutter>.HighQualityVDS (HighQuality) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Fine checkbutton.
<Body_Cutter>.CleanMeshVDS (CleanMesh) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Weld/Smooth checkbox.
<Body_Cutter>.FaceApproxAngleVDS (Face_Approx__Angle) : float
Get/set the Face Approx. Angle value.
<Body_Cutter>.EdgeApproxAngleVDS (Edge_Approx__Angle) : float
Get/set the Edge Approx. Angle value.
<Body_Cutter>.FaceChordHeightVDS (Face_Chord_Height) : float
Get/set the Face Distance % value.
<Body_Cutter>.EdgeChordHeightVDS (Edge_Chord_Height) : float
Get/set the Edge Distance % value.
<Body_Cutter>.MaxEdgeLengthPctVDS (Edge_Length) : float
Get/set the Max.Edge Len. % value.
<Body_Cutter>.SmoothingPassesVDS (Smoothing_Passes) : float
Get/set the Smoothing Passes value.
<Body_Cutter>.ULinesVDS (U_Lines) : float
Get/set the Lines U value.
<Body_Cutter>.VLinesVDS (V_Lines) : float
Get/set the Lines V value.
<Body_Cutter>.DisplaySurfaceKnotsVDS (Display_Surface_Knots) : boolean
Get/set the state of the Display Surface Knots checkbox.
<Body_Cutter>.IsoAngleDS (Iso_Angle) : float
Get/set the Approx value.
<Body_Cutter>.IsoChordHeightVDS (Iso_Chord) : float
Get/set the Curve Distance value.
<Body_Cutter>.SubDMeshVDS (SubDMesh) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.VDS_NOT_USED1 (Update) : boolean
No Properties Exposed.
<Body_Cutter>.FilletAllEdgesFAO : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.FirstOrEndEdgesFAO : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.SecondOrSideEdgesFAO : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.ThirdOrStartEdgesFAO : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.FilletRadiusFAO : float
<Body_Cutter>.ApproximateArcFAO : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.ConstantDistanceFAO : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.LinearCrossSectionFAO : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.ShellStartFaceFAO : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.ShellEndFaceFAO : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.ShellRadioFAO : integer
<Body_Cutter>.OffsetRadiusFAO : float
<Body_Cutter>.CornerExtensionFAO (Corner_Extension) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.SectionTypeFAO : integer
<Body_Cutter>.BlendStrengthFAO : float
<Body_Cutter>.FAO_NOT_USED1 : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.FAO_NOT_USED2 : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.FAO_NOT_USED3 : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.FAO_NOT_USED4 : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.DisplayControlPointsSA (Display_Control_Points) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.DisplayControlMeshSA (Display_Control_Mesh) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.DisplayCurveCurvatureSA (Display_Curve_Curvature) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.CurveCurvatureTypeSA (Curve_Curvature_Type) : integer
<Body_Cutter>.CurvatureScaleSA (Curvature_Scale) : float
<Body_Cutter>.CurvatureDensitySA (Curvature_Density) : float
<Body_Cutter>.DisplaySurfaceCurvatureSA (Display_Surface_Curvature) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.SurfaceCurvatureTypeSA (Surface_Curvature_Type) : integer
<Body_Cutter>.StdDevMultiplesSA (Std__Dev__Multiples) : float
<Body_Cutter>.UseMinMaxRangeSA (Use_Min_Max_Range) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.StdDevMinRangeSA (Std__Dev__Min_Range) : float
<Body_Cutter>.StdDevMaxRangeSA (Std__Dev__Max_Range) : float
<Body_Cutter>.SurfAnalysisQuickHelpSA (Surface_Analysis_Quick_Help) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.ExtrToBrepNQ (Extr_To_NURBS_Brep) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.ExtrToNURBSNQ (Extr_To_Nurbs) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.ExtrToCurveNQ (Extr_To_Curve) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.NQ_NOT_USED1 (Flip_All) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.NQ_NOT_USED2 (Flip_Selected) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.NQ_NOT_USED3 (Extract_To_Spline) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.NQ_NOT_USED4 (Show_Counts) : boolean
<Body_Cutter>.NQ_NOT_USED5 (Extract_To_CShape) : boolean