Birth_Texture - superclass: helper; super-superclass:node -37:0 - classID:#(1395943176, 515064320)
The Birth_Texture operator uses an animated texture to calculate the timing, location, and scale of particles. In general, Birth_Texture causes particles to emit from the object where the texture is white or a bright color.
The Birth_Texture operator was first added to 3ds Max as part of the Creativity Extension to 3ds Max 2009 and became an integral part in 3ds Max 2010. It was previously available in the Particle Flow Tools Box #1.
<Birth_Texture>.Emit_Start: integer
Get/set the Emit Start value defining the frame at which the operator begins emitting particles.
<Birth_Texture>.Emit_Stop: integer
Get/set the Emit Stop value defining the frame at which the operator stops emitting particles. The exact timing of start and stop may vary due to the timing of individual particles, which is dependent on the emitter's animated texture.
<Birth_Texture>.Lock_On_Emitter: boolean
Get/set the state of the Lock On Emitter option.
When set to true, it causes all particles’ pivot points to be "glued" to the painted objects. The option tells the Birth Texture operator to continue controlling particle position even after the particles are born.
<Birth_Texture>.Emission_Type: radiobtnIndex
Get/set the selection index of the Quantity Type radio buttons.
Possible values are:
0 - Amount (default)
1 - Max.Rate
2 - Separate
<Birth_Texture>.Maximum_Amount: integer
Get/set the Amount value used when .Emission_Type
is set to 0.
<Birth_Texture>.Maximum_Rate: float
Get/set the Max.Rate value used when .Emission_Type
is set to 1.
<Birth_Texture>.Separate_Distance: worldUnits
Get/set the Separate value used when .Emission_Type
is set to 2.
<Birth_Texture>.Adjust_Separation_By_Scale_Factor: boolean
Get/set the state of the Adjust By Scale Factor checkbox used when .Emission_Type
is set to 2.
<Birth_Texture>.Use_Subdivision: boolean
Get/set the state of the Subdivide checkbox.
<Birth_Texture>.Subdivision_Length: worldUnits
Get/set the Subdivide value.
<Birth_Texture>.Amount_Limit: integer
Get/set the Amount Limit value.
<Birth_Texture>.Data_Start: integer
Get/set the Start value.
<Birth_Texture>.Data_Stop: integer
Get/set the Stop value.
<Birth_Texture>.Delay_Variation: integer
Get/set the Delay Var. value.
<Birth_Texture>.Use_Latency: boolean
Get/set the state of the Latency checkbox.
<Birth_Texture>.Latency: integer
Get/set the Latency value.
<Birth_Texture>.Precision: integer
Get/set the selection index of the Precision drop-down list.
Possible values are:
0 - Frame
1 - Half Frame
2 - 1/4 Frame
3 - 1/8 Frame
<Birth_Texture>.Emission_By: integer
Get/set the selection index of the Emission By drop-down list.
Possible values are:
0 - Material (default)-Gathers colors from the emitter's material.
1 - Sub-Material -Gathers colors from a single sub-material, and generates particles only on faces with the specified sub-material ID (Material ID). The sub-material ID is set by the Sub-Mtl ID parameter.
2 - Sub-Mtl Global -Gathers colors from a single sub-material, and generates particles over the entire emitter surface regardless of the faces' Material IDs. The sub-material ID is set by the Sub-Mtl ID parameter.
3 - Vertex Color -Gathers colors from the Vertex Color channel.
4 - Vertex Alpha -Gathers colors from the Vertex Alpha channel.
5 - Vertex Illum -Gathers colors from the Vertex Illum channel.
6 - Mapping -Gathers colors from a mapping channel. A mapping channel can be used by the Vertex Paint modifier to color vertices. The mapping channel index is defined by the Channel parameter.
<Birth_Texture>.Emission_RGB_Channels: boolean array
Get/set the states of the R, G and B checkbuttons as an array of Booleans.
<Birth_Texture>.Emission_Texture_SubMaterial_ID: integer
Get/set the Sub-Mtl ID value.
<Birth_Texture>.Whiteness: percent
Get/set the Whiteness % value.
<Birth_Texture>.Emitter_Objects: node array
Get/set the array of emitter objects.
<Birth_Texture>.Animated_Shape: boolean
Get/set the state of the Animated Emitters checkbox.
<Birth_Texture>.Surface_Normal_Offset: boolean
Get/set the state of the Surface Normal Offset checkbox.
<Birth_Texture>.Surface_Offset_Minimum: worldUnits
Get/set theOffset Min. value.
<Birth_Texture>.Surface_Offset_Maximum: worldUnits
Get/set the Offset Max. value.
<Birth_Texture>.Scale_Type: integer
Get/set the selection index of the Scale By drop-down list.
Possible values are:
0 - None (default) - No particle scaling is set.
1 - Sub-Material - Uses a single sub-material to set the scale, and uses this scale over the entire emitter surface regardless of the faces' Material IDs. The sub-material ID is set by the Sub-Mtl ID parameter.
2 - Vertex Color - Uses the Vertex Color channel to define particle scale.
3 - Vertex Alpha - Uses the Vertex Alpha channel to define particle scale.
4 - Vertex Illum - Uses the Vertex Illum channel to define particle scale.
5 - Mapping -Defines particle scale with a mapping channel that is used for vertex coloring by the Vertex Paint modifier. The mapping channel index is defined by the Channel parameter.
<Birth_Texture>.Scale_Factor_SubMtl_ID: integer
Get/set the SubMat ID value.
<Birth_Texture>.Black_Scale: percent
Get/set the Black Scale % value.
<Birth_Texture>.White_Scale: percent
Get/set the White Scale % value.
<Birth_Texture>.Show_Particles: boolean
Get/set the state of the Show Particles checkbox.
<Birth_Texture>.Display_Type: radiobtnIndex
Get/set the selection index of the Display Type radio buttons.
Possible values are:
0 - All
1 - By Timing (default)
<Birth_Texture>.Show_Only_When_Selected: boolean
Get/set the state of the Only When Selected checkbox.
<Birth_Texture>.Icon_Size: worldUnits
Get/set the Icon Size value.
<Birth_Texture>.Color_Coordinated: boolean
Get/set the state of the Color Coordinated checkbox.
<Birth_Texture>.Random_Seed: integer
Get/set the Seed value.
<Birth_Texture>.Fast_Approximate_Separation: boolean
Interface: BirthTextureOperator
Initializes the Birth Texture operator. Equivalent to pressing the "Initialize Particle Emission" button in the Modify Panel UI.
The following common Interfaces are exposed by the Birth_TextureClass: