mP_Solvent - superclass: helper; super-superclass:node - 15:0 - classID: #(1935830280, 515064320)
The mP_Solvent operator removes bindings created by mP_Glue.
Available in 3ds Max 2014 and higher.
<mP_Solvent>.Particles_To_Particles BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Particles To Particles" checkbox.
<mP_Solvent>.Particles_To_Deflectors BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Particles To Deflectors" checkbox.
<mP_Solvent>.Particles_To_Ground BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Particles To Ground" checkbox.
<mP_Solvent>.Limit_Solvent_By_List BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Limit Solvent By List" checkbox.
<mP_Solvent>.Glue_Tests ArrayParameter default: #() -- node array; SubAnim
Get/set the array of mP_Glue tests to dissolve.
<mP_Solvent>.Limit_Solvent_By_Time BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Limit Solvent By Time" checkbox.
<mP_Solvent>.Start Integer default: 0 -- integer
Get/set the value of the "Start" spinner.
<mP_Solvent>.Stop Integer default: 4800 -- integer
Get/set the value of the "Stop" spinner.
<mP_Solvent>.Limit_Solvent_By_Data BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Limit Solvent By Data" checkbox.
<mP_Solvent>.Data_Channel UndefinedClass default: undefined -- maxObject
Get/set the data channel to control the Solvent with.
<mP_Solvent>.Limit_Solvent_By_Icon BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Limit Solvent By Icon" checkbox.
<mP_Solvent>.mode Integer default: 0 -- integer
Get/set the selection of the "Mode" drop-down list.
Possible values are:
0 - Slice (default)
1 - Volume
<mP_Solvent>.Icon_Shape Integer default: 1 -- integer
Get/set the selection of the "Icon" drop-down list.
Possible values are:
0 - Box
1 - Rectangle (default)
2 - Sphere
<mP_Solvent>.Icon_Size Float default: 10.0 -- animatable; worldUnits
Get/set the value of the "Size" spinner.
<mP_Solvent>.Color_Coordinated BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Color Coordinated" checkbox.
The following common Particle Flow Interfaces are exposed by the mP_Solvent Class: