The following examples show the difference in particle position in two PF_Sources using the Integrator Interface’s proceedSynch methods.
Can Be Used With:
These two sample scripts should be used inside of Script_Test actions.
Create a PF_Source in the viewport.
Open Particle View.
Add a Script_Test action to the end of Event01.
Clone the particle system but leave it at the exactly same position.
Change the color of the second particle system
Load the first sample in the Script_Test of the first particle system.
Load the second sample in the Script_Test of the second particle system.
Allows the user to compare the effects of two ProceedSynch calls.
The resulting positions of all particles will be printed to the Listener.
--The ChannelsUsed handler defines the channels --to be made available to the script. --For the list of all channels, see --Interface: MaxscriptParticleContainer --The parameter pCont passed to the handler --contains the Particle Container the script is applied to on ChannelsUsed pCont do ( pCont.useTime = true --enable the Time channel pCont.usePosition = true --enable the Position channel ) --The Init handler is called on initialization. --It is not used in this case. on Init pCont do ( ) --In the Proceed handler, we will call the ProceedSync method --of the integrator. on Proceed pCont do ( end = pCont.GetTimeEnd() as float _int = pCont.GetIntegrator() count = pCont.NumParticles() pCont_curr = pCont.GetParticleContainer() for i in 1 to count do ( pCont.particleIndex = i if _int != undefined then _int.proceedSync pCont_curr (end/160) 0.0 false #{} format "p1.particle%=%\n" i (pCont.GetParticlePosition i) ) ) --The Release handler is used to do cleanup work. --Not used in this case. on Release pCont do ( )
--The ChannelsUsed handler defines the channels --to be made available to the script. --For the list of all channels, see --Interface: MaxscriptParticleContainer --The parameter pCont passed to the handler --contains the Particle Container the script is applied to on ChannelsUsed pCont do ( pCont.useTime = true --enable the Time channelpCont.usePosition = true --enable the Position channel ) --The Init handler is called on initialization. --It is not used in this case. on Init pCont do ( ) on Proceed pCont do ( end = pCont.GetTimeEnd()asfloat_int = pCont.GetIntegrator() count = pCont.NumParticles()pCont_curr = pCont.GetParticleContainer() for i in 1 to count do ( pCont.particleIndex = i if _int != undefined then _int.proceedSync pCont_curr (end/160) 0.5 false #{} -- Array version to try out: --_int.proceedASync pCont_curr #((end/160), (2*end/160), (3*end/160)) #(0.1, 0.2, 0.5) true #{1..3} format "p2.particle%=%\n" i (pCont.GetParticlePosition i) ) ) --The Release handler is used to do cleanup work. --Not used in this case. on Release pCont do ( )