.balanceMute: boolean
.balanceLateralRatio: float (0.0 - 1.0)
.balancePropagation: float (0.0 - 1.0)
.numTrackgroups: integer, not settable
.mixType: string (#mixdown|#rawmix)
getTrackgroup <mixer:mixer> <index:integer>,
If index is in correct range, this returns an mxtrackgroup. Otherwise, it returns false.
appendTrackgroup <mixer:mixer>
This appends a trackgroup to the end of the trackgroup array. The new trackgroup will appear at the top of all the trackgroups. Returns true.
insertTrackgroup <mixer:mixer> <index:integer>
If index is in the correct range, this inserts a new trackgroup at that index. An index of 1 is the lowest trackgroup. Returns true if the index is in the correct range. Otherwise it returns false.
deleteTrackgroup <mixer:mixer> <index:integer>
If index is in the correct range, this deletes the trackgroup at that index. An index of 1 is the lowest trackgroup. Returns true if trackgroup was deleted, false if not.
mixdown<mixer> <KeyPerFrame:boolean> <EnforceIkConstraints:boolean> <ContinuityRange:integer> <FilterHyperExtLegs:boolean> <MaxKneeAngle:float>
ContinuityRange must be between 0 and 100. MaxKneeAngle must be between 0 and 180. This will perform a mixdown. If successful, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.
copyMixdownToBiped <mixer:mixer>
This copies the mixdown to the biped. Returns false if there is no mixdown. Otherwise, returns true.
saveMixFile <filename:string>
This saves a .mix file. Returns true if successful, false if not.
loadMixFile <filename:string>
This loads a .mix file. Returns true if successful, false if not.