Interface: ParticleCache

This interface provides access to the liquid or foam particle cache for MaxLiquidSolver objects. Available in 3ds Max 2018.3 and later.


ParticleCache.baseFilename : string : Read

Gets the base path and filename for the cache files. For example, "C:\Program Files\3ds Max 2019\SimCache\Untitled\Liquid001\Solver01\voxel_liquid\voxel_liquid_particle". This path is constructed from the MaxLiquid.cacheOutputFilePattern property. Cache files are stored in this location with a suffix of <frame number>.bif. For example "voxel_liquid_particle.0001.bif".

ParticleCache.numDigits : integer : Read

Gets the number of digits used for the frame portion of the cache file name.

ParticleCache.cacheType : enum : Read
 cacheType enums: {#unknown|#liquid|#smoke|#foam|#mesh}

Returns the cache object type.

ParticleCache.startFrame : integer : Read

Returns the frame number the cache starts at.

ParticleCache.endFrame : integer : Read

Returns the frame number the cache ends at.

ParticleCache.colorChannelname : string : Read|Write
ParticleCache.sizeChannelName : string : Read|Write
ParticleCache.opacityChannelname : string : Read|Write

Gets or sets the color, size, or opacity channel names. The string is empty when the channel mode is "Static". This corresponds to the <MaxLiquidSolver>.colorChannelMode, .sizeChannelMode, and .opacityChannelMode properties.



Returns the name of the solver the particle cache is associated with.


Returns the number of frames in the cache.

 <integer>ParticleCache.GetNumParticles <integer>frame

Returns the number of particles in the cache file for the specified frame number, or -1 if the specified frame does not exist.

 <point3 by value>ParticleCache.GetParticlePos <integer>frame <index>particleIndex

Returns the position of the particle at the specified index at the specified frame, or [0,0,0] if the frame or index does not exist.

 <box3>ParticleCache.GetBoundingBox <integer>frame

Returns the bounding box of all the particles at the specified frame.


Clears the particle cache from memory. Note that this does not delete the cache files on disk.

 <integer>ParticleCache.IsCached <integer>frame

Returns true if a cache exists for the specified fame.