NEW in 3ds Max 2024.2 Update:
Exposes the conform modifier functionality to MAXScript.
Conformmodifier(Conform) : modifier {b00,57da4442}
ConformModifier ...
-- conform example
resetMaxFile #noprompt
b = box width:100 length:100 height:5
t = teapot pos:[0,0,4]
c = ConformModifier()
addModifier t c
c.appendTarget b
c.method = 1 -- shrink wrap
c.shrinkDirection = 4 -- closest point
c.strength = 50 -- 50%
el = Ellipse length:100 width:80
pc = Path_Constraint()
t.position.controller = pc
pc.path = el
playAnimation ()
<Conformmodifier>.AdoptNormal Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float
Get/set the percentage of the target normal to adopt.
<Conformmodifier>.ApplyToWholeObject BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set whether to apply the modifier to all vertices regardless of the stack selection.
<Conformmodifier>.axisDirection Integer default: 2 -- integer
When the projection method is "volume", specifies the axis direction, where:
<Conformmodifier>.axisSign Integer default: 0 -- integer
The axis direction sign, where:
<Conformmodifier>.BetterNormals BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
When true, the conform object uses interpolated normals from the surface for more accurate deformation.
<Conformmodifier>.BlendNormals BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Specifies whether to blend normals.
<Conformmodifier>.clearSpecifiedNormals BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
When true, clears the existing normals on the surface object.
<Conformmodifier>.ignoreSelectionMisses BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
When true, if a selection misses the target, vertices are moved back to the original position.
<Conformmodifier>.lookAtHelper UndefinedClass default: undefined -- node
Get/set the lookat helper object, used when the Projection Direction is "Helper Origin".
<Conformmodifier>. BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set whether to move vertices back to their original positions if a selection misses its targets.
<Conformmodifier>.method Integer default: 0 -- integer
The conform method to use, where:
<Conformmodifier>.MoveMissesToClosest BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
When true, moves missed projections to the closest point on the target object.
<Conformmodifier>.normalizeSelection BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
When true, normalizes the selection normals from 0 to 1.
<Conformmodifier>.Offset Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float
The offset to apply. This is the amount to move the object relative to the surface along the projection normal.
<Conformmodifier>.OffsetBlended BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Specifies whether the offset direction should be the projection direction (true) or the blended normal.
<Conformmodifier>.selectionAmount Float default: 25.0 -- animatable; float
Get/set the percentage of the object that will conform with the target surface, when the conform method is "Volume". This is the Influence setting in the UI.
<Conformmodifier>.selectionFalloff Float default: 25.0 -- animatable; float
Get/set the percentage of additional soft-selection of the object that will conform with the target surface.
<Conformmodifier>.SelectionOutput Integer default: 0 -- integer
Get/set the selection output, where:
<Conformmodifier>.ShrinkDirection Integer default: 3 -- integer
Get/set the projection direction when the Projection Method is Shrink Wrap, where:
<Conformmodifier>.strength Float default: 100.0 -- animatable; float
Get/set the strength of the conform in relation to the original object position, as a percent.
<Conformmodifier>.Targets ArrayParameter default: #() -- paramBlock2 array; SubAnim
Contains an array of objects which are the targets for the conformed object.
This array is read-only, and cannot be modified directly. To add, remove, and enable/disable target objects, see the Conform
interface methods below.
<Conformmodifier>.UseCache BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Specifies whether to use the cache, which caches the deformation result at the frame it is enabled on.
<Conformmodifier>.VolumeAmount Float default: 100.0 -- animatable; float
Get/set the volume of the conform, where 0 will project all vertices to the surface and at 100 the confirmed object retains its full volume.
<Conformmodifier>.VolumeDirection Integer default: 0 -- integer
Get/set the volume projections direction, where:
Returns the ConformModifier version.
Returns the number of targets in the targets array.
<boolean>appendTarget <node>target
Adds the specified target
to the targets array. Targets are added in an enabled state by default.
<node>getTarget <index>index
Returns the target node in the target array at the specified index, or undefined if there is no target at that index.
<boolean>removeTarget <index>index
Removes the target at the specified index from the targets array, returning true on success or false on failure.
Removes all targets from the targets array.
<boolean>enableTarget <index>index
Enables the target at the specified index, returning true on success or false on failure.
<boolean>disableTarget <index>index
Disables the target at the specified index, returning tru on success or false on failure.
<boolean>isTargetEnabled <index>index
Returns the enabled state of the target at the specified index. Note that this method also returns false if there is no target at the specified index.