SplineInfluence - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 14:0 - classID: #(3232560656L, 2603512887L)
Available in 3ds Max 2018.2 and higher: A modifier that modifies the soft selection of knots in a spline based on distance from one or more scene nodes.
<SplineInfluence>.bias Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float
The bias applied to the soft selection, when BiasSelected is true.
<SplineInfluence>.BiasSelected BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean
Gets or sets whether to only apply the bias value to the soft selection when it is selected.
<SplineInfluence>.ConvertSelections BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean
Gets or sets whether to apply the SelectionFalloffType modification to the soft selection.
<SplineInfluence>.EnableBias BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean
Gets or sets whether to apply the bias value to the soft selection.
<SplineInfluence>.ExistingSelection Integer default: 0 -- integer
Gets or sets how to handle existing selection values, where:
<SplineInfluence>.FalloffKnots Integer default: 5 -- animatable; integer
Gets or sets the number of neighbor knots affected when the FalloffMethod is 2, "Neighbor Knots".
<SplineInfluence>.FalloffMethod Integer default: 0 -- integer
Gets or sets the Selection Modify method, where:
<SplineInfluence>.FalloffPercent Float default: 100.0 -- animatable; float
Gets or sets the percent of spline length at the selected knot to apply the falloff to, when FalloffMethod = 1, "Percentage of Length". For example, a value of 50% applied to the middle knot would start at 100% at the middle knot, and falloff to 0% at the first and last knot.
<SplineInfluence>.FalloffType Integer default: 0 -- integer
Gets or sets the falloff type, where:
<SplineInfluence>.FarInfluence Float default: 1000.0 -- animatable; float
Gets or sets the Far Distance influence parameter.
<SplineInfluence>.InfluenceNodes ArrayParameter default: #() -- node array; SubAnim
An array of nodes that influence the soft selection. You can add and remove nodes directly to this array, or use the Spline_Vol_Select interface's RemoveInfluence() method to remove nodes.
<SplineInfluence>.invert BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean
Gets or sets whether to invert the final result.
<SplineInfluence>.NearInfluence Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float
Gets or sets the Far Distance influence parameter.
<SplineInfluence>.SelectionFalloffType Integer default: 0 -- integer
Gets or sets the selection modify falloff type, where:
Interface: Spline_Vol__Select
Internal use only.
<boolean>RemoveInfluence <node>Object
Removes the specified node from the influenceNodes array. Returns true if the node was in the array and removed, false if the node was not in the array.