Mesh_Select : Modifier

Mesh_Select - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - classID: #(1943601043, 0) 


mesh_select ... MeshSelect ... 


Mesh Select Parameters Rollout

<Mesh_Select>.byVertex BooleanClass default:false alias: By_Vertex   

Get/Set the state of the By Vertex option.

When set to true, selecting a vertex in Face, Polygon or Element mode will select all faces, polygons or elements sharing that vertex.

<Mesh_Select>.ignoreBackfacing BooleanClass default:false alias: Ignore_Backfacing 

Get/Set the state of the Ignore Backgfaces option.

When set to true, only faces with normals facing the viewer can be selected.

<Mesh_Select>.ignoreVisibleEdges BooleanClass default:false alias: Ignore_Visible_Edges 

Get/Set the state of the Ignore Visible Edges option.

When set to true, selecting a face will also select all connected faces whose normals are within the specified planar threshold.

<Mesh_Select>.planarThreshold Angle default: alias: Threshold 

Get/Set the Planar Thresh. value.

It specifies the angle threshold used by the Ignore Visible Edges option.

<Mesh_Select>.materialID integer default:1 alias: Material_ID 

Get/Set the Material ID value in the "Select by Material ID" group of controls.

Soft Selection Rollout

<Mesh_Select>.useSoftSelection BooleanClass default:false alias: Use_Soft_Selection 

Get/Set the state of the Use Soft Selection option.

When set to true, the soft selection will be enabled.

<Mesh_Select>.softselUseEdgeDistance BooleanClass default:false alias: Use_Soft_Selection 

Get/Set the state of the Edge Distance option.

When set to true, the Edge Distance value will be used.

<Mesh_Select>.softselEdgeDist Integer default:1 -- animatable; alias: Edge_Distance 

Get/Set the Edge Distance value.

When .softselUseEdgeDistance is set to true, it specifies the number of edges to include in the soft selection.

<Mesh_Select>.softselAffectBackfacing BooleanClass default:true alias: Affect_Backfacing 

Get/Set the state of the Affect Backfacing option.

When set to true, the Vertices belonging to back-facing faces will also be affected if within the Soft Selection Falloff range.

<Mesh_Select>.softselFalloff world units default:20.0 -- animatable; alias: Falloff_type 

Get/Set the Falloff value.

It specifies the falloff range until the soft selection reaches an influence of 0.

<Mesh_Select>.softselPinch Float default:0.0 -- animatable; alias: Pinch 

Get/Set the Pinch value.

<Mesh_Select>.softselBubble Float default:0.0 -- animatable; alias: Bubble 

Get/Set the Bubble value.

See the getVertSelection() , getFaceSelection() , and getEdgeSelection() functions in Editable_Mesh for information about accessing the current selections in the Mesh_Select modifier.