NURBSMultiCurveTrimSurface : NURBSSurface

This class defines a dependent Multicurve Trim surface which is a surface that is trimmed by multiple curves forming a loop.


NURBSMultiCurveTrimSurface [<property>:<val>]...      

Any of the object's properties may be set via optional keyword arguments on the constructor.

getObject <nurbsset> <index>   


<nurbsmulticurvetrimsurface>.surfaceParent : Integer 

The parent surface by NURBSet index.

<nurbsmulticurvetrimsurface>.surfaceParentID : Integer 

The parent surface by NURBSId.

<nurbsmulticurvetrimsurface>.numCurves : Integer 

The number of curves used for the trim loop.

<nurbsmulticurvetrimsurface>.flipTrim : Boolean 

The state of the trim flip toggle. This controls which portion of the surface is trimmed.


getParent <nurbsmulticurvetrimsurface> <index> 

Gets the NURBSSet index of the indexed trim loop.

setParent <nurbsmulticurvetrimsurface> <index> <curve> 

Sets the indexed trim loop to the curve specified by the NURBSSet index.

getParentID <nurbsmulticurvetrimsurface> <index> 

Gets the NURBSId of the indexed trim loop.

setParentID <nurbsmulticurvetrimsurface> <index> <curveID> 

Sets the indexed curve in the trim loop to the curve specified by the NURBSId.

appendCurve <nurbsmulticurvetrimsurface> <curve> 

Adds a curve to the end of the list of curves comprising the trim loop by specifying the NURBSSet index.

appendCurveByID <nurbsmulticurvetrimsurface> <curveID> 

Adds a curve to the end of the list of curves comprising the trim loop by specifying the NURBSId.