NURBSNBlendSurface : NURBSSurface

This class defines a dependent Multisided Blend surface. A Multisided Blend surface is a surface that "fills in" the edges defined by three or four other curve or surfaces. Unlike a regular, two-sided Blend surface, the curves or surfaces edges must form a closed loop (that is, sequence head to tail, and the ends must match). That is, they must completely surround the opening the Multisided Blend will cover.


NURBSNBlendSurface [<property>:<val>]...      

Any of the object's properties may be set via optional keyword arguments on the constructor.

getObject <nurbsset> <index>   


There are no additional properties for NURBSNBlendSurface.


getParent <nurbsnblendsurface> <index> 

Returns the NURBSSet index of the indexed curve or surface.

setParent <nurbsnblendsurface> <index> <curve> 

Sets the specified parent curve or surface by NURBSSet index as the indexed edge for the surface.

getParentID <nurbsnblendsurface> <index> 

Returns the NURBSId of the indexed curve or surface.

setParentID <nurbsnblendsurface> <index> <curveID> 

Sets the specified parent curve or surface by NURBSId as the indexed edge for the surface.

getEdge <nurbsnblendsurface> <index> setEdge <nurbsnblendsurface> <index> <edge> 

Get or set which edge of the indexed parent surface is used for the blend. The edge is only applicable if the parent is a surface. the <edge> value is one of the following:

1: The low U edge

2: The high U edge

3: The low V edge

4: The high V edge