BoneGeometry : GeometryClass

BoneGeometry : GeometryClass {28bf6e8d,2ecca840} 


Class instances not creatable by MAXScript


BoneGeometry... BoneObj... 


<BoneGeometry>.width : world units 

Get/set the width of the bone.

<BoneGeometry>.height : world units 

Get/set the height of the bone.

<BoneGeometry>.taper : percentage 

Get/set the taper of the bone.

<BoneGeometry>.length : float 

Get/set the length of the bone.

<BoneGeometry>.sidefins (Side_Fins) : boolean 

Toggle side fins on and off.

<BoneGeometry>.sidefinssize (Side_Fins_Size) : world units 

Get/set the size of the side fins in world units.

<BoneGeometry>.sidefinsstarttaper (Side_Fins_Start_Taper) : percentage 

Get/set the start taper value of the side fins as a percentage of the size.

<BoneGeometry>.sidefinsendtaper (Side_Fins_End_Taper) : percentage 

Get/set the end taper value of the side fins as a percentage of the size.

<BoneGeometry>.frontfin (Front_Fin) : boolean 

Toggle front fin on and off.

<BoneGeometry>.frontfinsize (Front_Fin_Size) : world units 

Get/set the size of the front fin.

<BoneGeometry>.frontfinstarttaper (Front_Fin_Start_Taper) : percentage 

Get/set the start taper of the front fin as a percentage of the size.

<BoneGeometry>.frontfinendtaper (Front_Fin_End_Taper) : percentage 

Get/set the end taper of the front fin as a percentage of the size.

<BoneGeometry>.backfin (Back_Fin) : boolean 

Toggle back fin on and off.

<BoneGeometry>.backfinsize (Back_Fin_Size) : world units 

Get/set the size of the back fin.

<BoneGeometry>.backfinstarttaper (Back_Fin_Start_Taper) : percentage 

Get/set the start taper of the back fin as a percentage of the size.

<BoneGeometry>.backfinendtaper (Back_Fin_End_Taper) : percentage 

Get/set the end taper of the back fin as a percentage of the size.

<BoneGeometry>.genmap (Generate_Mapping_Coords) : boolean 

Toggle mapping coordinates generation on and off.