BlobMesh : GeometyClass

BlobMesh - superclass: GeometryClass; super-superclass:node - 12:0 - classID: #(1823519629, 1465620393) 

The BlobMesh Compound Object Class lets you create Instances which turn any geometry object or ParticleFlow particle system into a Metaball system.


BlobMesh ... 


<BlobMesh> . size Float default: 20.0 -- animatable; world units 

Get/Set the Size of the Metaballs

<BlobMesh>.tension Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float 

Get/Set the Surface Tension of the Metaballs

<BlobMesh>.render Float default: 3.0 -- animatable; world units 

Get/Set the Render Coarseness value.

<BlobMesh>.viewport Float default: 6.0 -- animatable; world units 

Get/Set the Render Coarseness value.

<BlobMesh>.relativeCourseness BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Courseness 

Enable/Disable Relative Coarseness.

<BlobMesh>.nodeList ArrayParameter default: #() -- node array; Node_List; SubAnim 

Get/Set the List of the nodes to create Metaballs from.

<BlobMesh>.useSoftSelection BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Use_Soft_Selection 

When set to True , incoming Soft Selection will be used to affect the Metaballs generation .

<BlobMesh>.minSize Float default: 10.0 -- animatable; world units; Min_Size 

Get/Set the Min. Size value.

<BlobMesh>.largeDataSetOptimization BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Large_Data_Set_Optimization 

Toggle Optimization for large data sets.

<BlobMesh>.useAllPFEvents BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Use_All_PF_Events 

When set to True , particles from all Particle Flow Events will be used to create Metaballs.

<BlobMesh>.pfEventList ArrayParameter default: #() -- node array; PF_Event_List; SubAnim 

Get/Set the list of Particle Flow events.

<BlobMesh>.offInView BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Off_In_View 

When set to True , the resulting metaball mesh will not be displayed in the viewport.

BlobMesh interfaces:

Interface : blobMeshOps 


<void>addBlob <node>node 

node - the node to be added as a blob

This adds a node to the metaball system

<void>removeBlob <node>node 

node the node to be removed

This lets you remove a node from the metaball system

<void>addPFBlob <node>node 

node the PF Event node to be added

This adds a PF Event node to the metaball system

<void>removePFBlob <node>node 

node the PF Event node to be removed

This removes a PF Event node to the metaball system

<void>pick () 

This equivalent to pushing the Pick button in the UI

<void>add () 

This equivalent to pushing the Add button in the UI

<void>addPF () 

This equivalent to pushing the Add button in the PF Rollout UI