Gengon - superclass: GeometryClass; super-superclass:node - classID: #(1237277087, 905528747)
<Gengon>.sides Integer default: 5 -- animatable
The number of sides around the gengon.
Higher numbers shade and render as true circles with Smooth on.
Lower numbers create regular polygonal objects with Smooth off.
<Gengon>.radius Float default: 0.0 -- animatable
The radius of the gengon.
<Gengon>.Fillet Float default: 0.0 -- animatable
The width of the fillet area.
<Gengon>.height Float default: 0.0 -- animatable
Height along the central axis.
Negative values create the gengon below the construction plane.
<Gengon>.Side_Segments Integer default: 1 -- animatable
The number of divisions around the gengon.
<Gengon>.Height_Segments Integer default: 1 -- animatable
The number of divisions along the gengon's major axis.
<Gengon>.Fillet_Segments Integer default: 1 -- animatable
The number of divisions for the edge filleting.
The higher this setting, the rounder the fillet appears.
<Gengon>.mapCoords Integer default: 1
1- enable mapping coordinates,
0 - disable mapping coordinates.
<Gengon>.smooth Integer default: 0
1- enable smoothing,
0 - disable smoothing.
.realWorldMapSize: boolean : Read|Write
Enables/disables the real-world map size option.
Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.