nvCapsule : GeometryClass

nvCapsule - superclass: GeometryClass; super-superclass:node - 4:1 - classID: #(2008240352, 979120522)

Implements the Capsule shape used by the MassFX RBody Modifier as Proxy Geometry.

Available in 3ds Max 2012 and higher.


nvCapsule ...


 <nvCapsule>.Capsule Capsule default: Capsule -- read-only; SubAnim

Get the Capsule primitiveinstance used by the plugin as delegate object to extend upon. Read-only.

 <nvCapsule>.radius Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float

Get/set the Radius value of the Capsule.

 <nvCapsule>.height Float default: 2.0 -- animatable; float

Get/set the Height value of the Capsule.

 <nvCapsule>.heighttype Integer default: 0 -- animatable; integer

Get/set the state of the Height Type option.

Possible values are:

0 - Overall - the height value is used to define the end-to-end height of the object including its two hemispheres' radii.

1 - Centers - the height value is used to define the distance between the centers of the two hemispheres, excluding the radii.

nvCapsule interfaces:

 Interface: IMtlRender_Compability_MtlBase


