IES_Sky : Light

IES_Sky - superclass: light; super-superclass:node - classID: #(1260657425, 1692947069) 

Instances of the IES_Sky light class are used to simulate natural sky light.




<IES_Sky>.multiplier Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float 

The light multiplier controls the intensity of the skylight.

<IES_Sky>.color Color default: (color 242.25 242.25 255) -- animatable 

Gets/Sets the sky color

<IES_Sky>.on Boolean default: true -- boolean 

Gets/Sets the enabled state of the light.

<IES_Sky>.sky_cover Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float 

Determines how much light is scattered through the sky. 0.0 is Clear, 1.0 is Cloudy.

<IES_Sky>.enabled Boolean default: true -- alias for on 

Gets/Sets the enabled state of the light.

<IES_Sky>.rgb Color default: (color 255 255 255) -- animatable; alias for color 

Gets/Sets the sky color

<IES_Sky>.rays_per_sample Integer default: 20 -- animatable; integer 

Gets/Sets the number of rays per sample

<IES_Sky>.ray_bias Float default: 0.005 -- animatable; float 

Gets/Sets the ray bias

<IES_Sky>.castShadows BooleanClass default: false -- animatable; Boolean; Cast_Shadows 

Enable/Disable shadow casting.

IES_Sky interfaces:




Returns true if the list is a Sun light. In the case of IES_Sky , it will return false .


Returns true if the list is a Sky light. In the case of IES_Sky , it will return true .