rootScene System Global Variable

The rootScene is a system global variable that represents the Scene Root. It is available in 3ds Max 2011 and higher.

Its subAnims can be used to access various elements of the scene hierarchy including:

The rootScene is used by the Macro Recorder to emit script code relative to the scene root.

Below are some examples of accessing the rootScene and its subAnims:



   getsubanimnames rootScene
   -->#(#Sound, #Video_Post, #Global_Tracks, #biped, #Anim_Layer_Control_Manager, #SME, #Environment, #Render_Effects, #Render_Elements, #renderer, #Global_Shadow_Parameters, 
   -->#Scene_Materials, #Medit_Materials, #world)



   classof rootScene

   weaponDataCA = attributes weaponData
   parameters main rollout:params
   hitPoints type:#float ui:hits default:10
   cost type:#float ui:cost default:100
   sound type:#string
   rollout params "Weapon Parameters"
   spinner hits "Hit Points" type:#float
   spinner cost "Cost" type:#float
   dropdownlist sound_dd "Sound" items:#("boom", "sparkle", "zap", "fizzle")
   on sound_dd selected i do sound = sound_dd.items[i]
   CustAttributes.add rootnode weaponDataCA
   CustAttributes.add rootscene weaponDataCA
   createdialog rootnode.weapondata.params
   --Playing with parameters generates clean macro recorder output

   --Close dialog before running next line:

   createdialog rootscene.weapondata.params
   --Playing with parameters generates clean macro recorder output