How do I get a Space Warp by Binding?

A user asked:

I created an object and a Conform space warp. I used bindSpaceWarp to bind the object to the space warp. After doing this many times, I want to know "Which space warp was object A assigned to?"


You can explore the dependencies of existing space warps in the scene to filter the one that is affecting your object:


   fn getSpaceWarpByBinding theBinding =
     --Loop through all space warps in the scene
     for s in SpaceWarps do
       --Loop through all dependents of the current space warp
       --If the space warp is dependent on the supplied binding, return it!
       for o in refs.dependents s where o == theBinding do returns
     )--end s loop
   )--end fn

   --Example Usage:
   s = sphere()
   theSW = getSpaceWarpByBinding $Sphere001.modifiers[1]