A good idea gone bad.
Initially added to support scripted controllers and xrefs.
No control over whether they are loaded
Overwriting previous values
Use the new scripted controllers in 3ds Max 8
Use scripted CAs for persistent data storage (see below)
Scripted Custom Attributes can be used instead of persistent global variables to store data with the scene file, avoiding the problems mentioned above.
A scripted CA can be placed on the scene root:
sceneDataCADef =attributes sceneDataCADef version:1 attribID:#(0x61e9ff5f, 0x63784819) ( parameters main rollout:params ( note type:#string ui:et_note default:"") rollout params "Scene Data Parameters" ( edittext et_note "Note: ") ) thescene = (refs.dependents rootnode)[1] rootNodeDataCA = undefined if (custattributes.add rootnode sceneDataCADef) do rootNodeDataCA = rootnode.custAttributes[rootnode.custAttributes.count] sceneDataCA = undefined if (custattributes.add thescene sceneDataCADef) do sceneDataCA = thescene.custAttributes[thescene.custAttributes.count] rootNodeDataCA.note sceneDataCA.note rootNodeDataCA.note = "rootnode" sceneDataCA.note = "thescene"
If the file is saved and reloaded, you can access the CAs:
rootNodeDataCA = undefined if(rootnode.custAttributes.count != 0) do rootNodeDataCA = rootnode.custAttributes[rootnode.custAttributes.count] sceneDataCA = undefined if(thescene.custAttributes.count != 0) do sceneDataCA = thescene.custAttributes[thescene.custAttributes.count]
If the file is brought in as an XRef scene, you can still access the CAs:
xr = xrefs.getXRefFile 1 xr_root = xr.tree xr_rootNodeDataCA = undefined if (xr_root.custAttributes.count != 0) do xr_rootNodeDataCA = xr_root.custAttributes[xr_root.custAttributes.count]
By placing a scripted Custom Attributes definition on a script or expression controller, you can provide a custom UI for the controller.
Define the CA to contain animatable parameters and rollout for UI.
Create a script controller.
Apply the CA to the script controller.
Apply the script controller.
Create variables in the script controller.
Assign Target values to the variables, specifying the CA parameters as the targets.
Display the CA’s UI using createDialog or newRolloutFloater & addrollout
floatDataCADef = attributes floatDataCADef version:1 ( parameters main rollout:params ( prop1 type:#float ui:s_prop1 ) rollout params "Parameters" ( spinner s_prop1 "Prop1: ") fn getRollout = params ) sc = float_Script() custattributes.add sc floatDataCADef floatCA = sc.custattributes[1] sc.addTarget "prop1" floatCA[#prop1] displayControlDialog sc "" mscas =for ca in sc.custattributes where isMSCustAttrib ca collect ca rollouts =for ca in mscas where isproperty ca #getrollout collect ca.getrollout() if rollouts.count == 1 then createdialog rollouts[1] else if rollouts.count > 1 do ( width = rollouts[1].width for ro in rollouts do width = amax width ro.width rof = newrolloutfloater "" (width+13) 0 0 0 for ro in rollouts do addrollout ro rof height = 6 for ro in rollouts do height += ro.height + 24 rof.size = [rof.size.x,height] )