This Assembly can be used in 3ds Max 2010 and higher to access 3ds Max-specific DotNet Objects, Classes, and Controls that can be used to improve the integration of MAXScript and DotNet.
The "MaxCustomControls.dll" assembly file is located in the 3ds Max root folder.
The following are some of the types exported by the Assembly:
User Interface Controls
3ds Max Components
The following script lists the Assembly's Exported Types with their constructors, properties, methods, and events:
MCC_path = getdir #maxroot + "MaxCustomControls.dll" theMCC = dotnet.loadAssembly MCC_path format "ASSEMBLY PROPERTIES:\n" showProperties theMCC format "ASSEMBLY METHODS:\n" showMethods theMCC theTypes = theMCC.GetExportedTypes() for t in theTypes do ( format "TYPE: \"%\"\n" t.fullname theObj = try(dotNetObject t.FullName)catch(dotNetClass t.fullname) format "CONSTRUCTORS:\n" dotNet.showConstructors theObj format "PROPERTIES:\n" showProperties theObj format "METHODS:\n" showMethods theObj format "EVENTS:\n" showEvents theObj format "\n\n" )