Running Scripts

To run an existing script file, press the "Run Script" button on the MAXScript utility rollout, File > Run Script in the Listener menu bar, or MAXScript > Run Script in the 3ds Max menu bar. This opens a common File Open dialog for choosing the script. MAXScript then reads and executes the selected script. Any output is printed to the Listener output pane.

You can also run a script from Listener or from within other scripts using fileIn() or executeScriptFile().


fileIn <filename_string> [ quiet:<boolean> ]

where <filename_string> is a string literal or an expression that evaluates to a string, and specifies the name of the script file whose content is executed. The script file content is executed one expression at a time, and halts processing if an error is encountered at any point. By default, the file is not listed as it is loaded; use quiet:false to have the file contents printed to the Listener.

See File Access Function Search Behavior for a list of directories the filename_string is searched for if the full path is not specified.


fileIn ""


fileIn scriptfile

The script file content is compiled in a global scope context, as opposed to the scope in effect when the filein() method is executed. For more information, see Scope_of_Variables.

The fileIn() method looks for scripts in the specified directory if <filename_string> contains a path as part of the file name. If no matching file is found, it then looks in the following locations, in order:


As of 3ds Max 2022.1 Update, fileIn() no longer searches the following locations:

  • The current working directory
  • The 3ds Max main directory
  • The Windows system32 directory
  • The Windows system directory
  • The Windows directory
  • Directories in the PATH environment variable.


<boolean>executeScriptFile <filename_string> [errormessage:<&variable>]

The executeScriptFile() function is similar to fileIn(), and takes the following parameters: Available in 3ds Max 2021.1 Update and higher.