Certain plug-ins in 3ds Max store parameter data in a form that is accessible by MAXScript as ArrayParameters. As such, you can access the parameter data by index and iterate over the parameter data.
Where the parameter contains an ArrayParameter.
Returns the number of values in the ArrayParameter. Read-only in most cases with exceptions noted in the MAXWrapper object description where an adjustable ArrayParameter is used.
Returns the element of ArrayParameter. Indexes start at 1.
<ArrayParameter>[<integer>] = <value>
Sets the element of ArrayParameter to a value.
Each ArrayParameter can only contain data of a certain type (for example, Float), or a controller that matches that data type. The showProperties()
function indicates these array parameters as <type> array
, for example, int array
, texmap array
, and so on.
A plug-in can also define parameter names that point to specific entries in one of its ArrayParameters. For example, mapAmounts
is a property of Standard materials containing an ArrayParameter. Each element in this ArrayParameter contains the map amount for one of the map channels. For easier access in a script, the Standard .ambientMapAmount
property is provided as an alias for mapAmounts\[1\]
(along with aliases for all the other common maps). You can access the controller for the ambientMapAmount
alias either through the .controller
property on the alias or on the .mapAmounts\[1\]
will get the controller on the ambient map amount material property.
ArrayParameter values can be coerced to Array in 3ds Max 6 and higher.
mtl = standard() mapsArray = mtl.maps as array
The following script shows the use of showProperties()
to show the data type for elements of ArrayParameters, access to ArrayParameter elements, and a case of a plug-in defining parameter names that point to a specific entry in one of its ArrayParameters.
m=CompositeMaterial() -- create a Composite material showproperties m -- show the properties for the material m.amount -- show value of parameter amount m.amount[1] *= .5 -- reduce the value for one element m=standard() -- create a Standard material showproperties m -- show it’s properties m.ambientMapAmount=13 -- set the value for one element via its alias m.mapAmounts[1] -- and show the element was changed
compositematerial:Composite -- result line 1 .materialList (Material : material array -- output line 2 .mixType (Composite Type) : int array -- ArrayParameter elements are integer .mapEnables (Map Enable) : boolean array -- ArrayParameter elements are boolean .amount : float array -- ArrayParameter elements are float OK -- result line 2 #(100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100) -- result line 3 50.0 -- result line 4 Standardmaterial:Standard -- result line 5 .mapEnables (Map Enables) : boolean array -- pruned output line 6 .maps : texmap array .mapAmounts (Map Amounts) : percent array .ambientMap (alias for maps[0]) .ambientMapAmount (alias for mapAmounts[0]) .ambientMapEnable (alias for mapEnables[0]) .bumpMap (alias for maps[8]) .bumpMapAmount (alias for mapAmounts[8]) .bumpMapEnable (alias for mapEnables[8]) 13 -- result line 7 13.0 -- result line 8