FileLink Notifications

#fileLinkPreAttach: undefined 

Sent just before a file link attach.

#fileLinkPostAttach: undefined 

Sent just after a file link attach.

#fileLinkPreBind: undefined 

Sent just before a file link bind.

#fileLinkPostBind: undefined 

Sent just after a file link bind.

#fileLinkPreDetatch: undefined 

Sent just before a file link detach.

#fileLinkPostDetatch: undefined 

Sent just after a file link detach.

#fileLinkPreReload: undefined 

Sent just before a file link reload.

#fileLinkPostReload: undefined 

Sent just after a file link reload.

#filelinkPostReloadPrePrune: undefined 

Sent after all of the new objects for a reload have been created, but before any objects have been deleted.