#sceneUndo: string
Sent after a scene undo is performed. callbacks.notificationParam()
returns the name of the undo entry in 3ds Max 8 and higher.
#sceneRedo: string
Sent after a scene redo is performed. callbacks.notificationParam()
returns the name of the undo entry 3ds Max 8 and higher.
callbacks.removeScripts id:#test callbacks.addScript #sceneRedo "format \"Redo: %\\n\" (callbacks.notificationParam())" id:#test callbacks.addScript #sceneUndo "format \"Undo: %\\n\" (callbacks.notificationParam())" id:#test
#preSceneRedo: string
Sent before a scene redo is performed. callbacks.notificationParam()
returns the redo string.
#preSceneUndo: string
Sent after a scene undo is performed. callbacks.notificationParam()
returns the undo string.
#postRestoreObjsDeleted: unefined
Sent when the undo system is flushed, and at least one RestoreObj was present in the undo system.