#layerCreated: BaseLayer (reftarg)
Sent after layer created.
Calling callbacks.notificationParam()
returns a layer ReferenceTarget.
- a layer may be created if an object is merged or an object XRef is performed, but these actions do not broadcast a #layerCreated
event.#layerDeleted: BaseLayer (reftarg)
Sent before layer deleted, callbacks.notificationParam()
returns the layer.
#layerParentChanged: #(BaseLayer, BaseLayer)
Sent after the parent of a layer was changed.
Calling callbacks.notificationParam()
returns an array containing two elements, the new parent and the old parent.
#nodeLayerChanged: #(node, BaseLayer, BaseLayer)
Sent after node placed on new layer, callbacks.notificationParam()
returns an array containing 3 elements - the node, the old layer and the new layer