Modifier Panel Notifications

#modPanelObjPreChange: undefined 

Sent just before the current edit object is about to change in Modify panel.

#modPanelObjPostChange: undefined 

Sent just after the current edit object changes in Modify panel.

#modPanelSelChanged: undefined 

Sent whenever the Modify panel opens on a new selection, either because the Modify panel was just selected or because a new selection is made in the scene. The notify occurs at a point just prior to panel redraw but after the selection has been established, so that callback functions can modify the panel state without it being overwritten.

#ModPanelSubObjectLevelChanged: #(newSOlevelIndex, oldSOlevelIndex) 

Sent whenever the Modify panel changes the sub-object level. Calling callbacks.notificationParam() returns an array containing the new SO level number and the old SO level number. Available in 3ds Max 9 and higher.