#preModifierAdded: #(node, modifier)
Sent before a modifier is added to a node.
Calling callbacks.notificationParam()
within the callback function will return a 2 element array containing the node and the modifier which was added.
#postModifierAdded: #(node, modifier)
Sent after a modifier is added to a node.
Calling callbacks.notificationParam()
within the callback function will return a 2 element array containing the node and the modifier which was added.
#preModifierDeleted: #(node, modifier)
Sent before a modifier is deleted from a node.
Calling callbacks.notificationParam()
within the callback function will return a 2 element array containing the node and the modifier which was deleted.
#postModifierDeleted: #(node, modifier)
Sent after a modifier is deleted from a node.
Calling callbacks.notificationParam()
within the callback function will return a 2 element array containing the node and the modifier which was deleted.