
The Hyperlink User Interface Control allows the placement of hyperlinks in MAXScript Rollouts. When clicked, the hyperlink will cause the default web browser to open at a specified address.

When the hyperlink control is in a scene embedded script, a security warning dialog is displayed when the control is clicked to confirm that the user trusts the target website. Available in 3ds Max 2022.2 Update and later.

The syntax is:

hyperLink <name> [caption] [color:<color>] [hoverColor:<color>] [visitedColor:<color>] [address:<string>]      


color: Color default:(color 0 0 255)   

Specifies the base color of the hyperlink text.

hoverColor: Color default:(color 0 255 255) 

Specifies the color of hyperlink text when the mouse is over it.

visitedColor: Color default:(color 0 0 192) 

Specifies the color of the hyperlink text after the link has been visited.

address: String default:"https://www.autodesk.com" 

Specifies the hyperlink address sent to the web browser when the hyperlink is clicked.


<HyperLink>.color Color default:(color 0 0 255) 

Get/set the base color of the hyperlink text.

<HyperLink>.hoverColor Color default:(color 0 255 255) 

Get/set the color of hyperlink text when the mouse is over it.

<HyperLink>.visitedColor Color default:(color 0 0 192) 

Get/set the color of the hyperlink text after the link has been visited.

<HyperLink>.address String default:"https://www.autodesk.com" 

Get/set the hyperlink address sent to the web browser when the hyperlink is clicked.


on <HyperLink> rightClick do <expr> 

Called when the user right-clicks the Hyperlink control.