The FbxExporterSetParam function provides access to the FBX Exporter dialog options.
For further details on the various options, please see the following topic in the 3ds Max Help:
Managing Scenes and Projects > Geometry File Formats > FBX Files: Data Sharing with Maya, MotionBuilder, Revit, Softimage, and Toxik/Composite > Scripting for the 3ds Max FBX plug-in
pluginManager.loadClass FbxExporter
Opens the modal "FBX Export" settings dialog. Available in in 3ds Max 2017 and higher.
Returns True if the user closed the dialog by pressing the OK button.
Returns False if the user closed the dialog by pressing the Cancel button, or via the window’s [X] icon.
<Value>FbxExporterGetParam <String>arg
This function expects a string as argument, specifying the option to get .
See the left column of the table below for available option.
FbxExporterSetParam <String>arg <Value>val
It expects a string as a first argument specifying the option to affect, with the second argument being the new value as described below:
Arg String | Value |
"Animation" | True or False. |
"ASCII" | True or False. |
"AxisConversionMethod" | "None", "Animation", or "Fbx_Root". |
"BakeAnimation" | True or False. |
"BakeFrameStart" | Integer value. |
"BakeFrameEnd" | Integer value. |
"BakeFrameStep" | Integer value. |
"BakeResampleAnimation" | True or False. |
"Cameras" | True or False. |
"CAT2HIK" | True or False. |
"ColladaTriangulate" | True or False. |
"ColladaSingleMatrix" | True or False. |
"ColladaFrameRate" | Float (in frames). |
"Convert2Tiff" | True or False.This converts non-TIFF-formatted texture images into TIFF format which makes them readable in other applications that do not support other image types. |
"ConvertUnit" | "mm" or "cm" or "dm" or "m" or "km" or "in" or "ft" or "mi" or "yd". |
"EmbedTextures" | True or False. |
"ExportAnimationOnly" | True or False. This parameter is exposed only in MAXScript, it does not appear on the UI.Available in 3ds Max 2019.1 Update and higher. |
"FileVersion" | "FBX201300" or "FBX201200" or FBX201100" or "FBX201000" or "FBX200900" or "FBX200611". |
"FilterKeyReducer" | True or False. |
"GeomAsBone" | True or False. |
"GenerateLog" | True or False. |
"Lights" | True or False. |
"LoadExportPresetFile" | The file name of the preset file. |
"NormalsPerPoly" | True or False. |
"PointCache" | True or False. |
"PopSettings" | This setting preserves the current state of the settings when you perform a One-Click operation.FBXExporterSetParam "PopSettings" loads all I / OSettings. |
"Preserveinstances" | True or False. |
"PushSettings" | This setting preserves the current state of the settings when you perform a One-Click operation.FBXExporterSetParam "PushSettings" saves all I / OSettings. |
"Removesinglekeys" | True or False. |
"Resampling" | Float. |
"ResetExport" | Loads the Autodesk Media & Entertainment export preset. |
"ScaleFactor" | Float. |
"SelectionSet" | Name of the selection set to use. |
"SelectionSetExport" | True or False. |
"Shape" | True or False. |
"Skin" | True or False. |
"ShowWarnings" | True or False. |
"SmoothingGroups" | True or False. |
"SmoothMeshExport" | True or False. |
"SplitAnimationIntoTakes" | "takename" which is the name of the take to use, followed by "frameStart", "frameEnd" to define the interval.Use "-c |
"TangentSpaceExport" | True or False. |
"Triangulate" | True or False. |
"UpAxis" | "Y" or "Z". |
"UseSceneName" | True or False. |
testObj = teapot() -- fbxexp examples select testObj -- save in text format: FBXExporterSetParam "ASCII" true --to prevent the export of the cameras: FBXExporterSetParam "Cameras" False exportFile @"c:\test.fbx" #noPrompt selectedOnly:true using:FBXEXP