These methods let you control 3ds Max tabbed dialogs like Rendering, Environment and Effects, Object Properties, Configure Paths, and so on.
The following specs define what a valid argument looks like for the tabbedDialogs methods. MAXScript does not have a class that corresponds to Class_ID, so these are passed as a two element array of integers.
tabbedDialogSpec ::= ( #render | #renderVP | #envEffects | #objProp | #preferences | #configPath | #(<int>,<int>) )
#(<int>,<int>) is Class_ID of tabbed dialog
tabPageSpec ::= ( <int> | #(<int>,<int>) )
<int> is index in dialog (1-based)
#(<int>,<int>) is Class_ID of tab page
<boolean>tabbedDialogs.isOpen <tabbedDialogSpec>
Returns true
if the specified dialog is open.
The tabbedDialogs.isOpen
method must be called before calling any of the other methods.
If the specified dialog is not open, the remainder of the methods will not perform any action or throw an error, and those methods that return a value will return 'undefined'.
<#(<int>,<int>)>tabbedDialogs.getDialogID <tabbedDialogSpec>
Returns the Class_ID of the specified tabbed dialog.
tabbedDialogs.invalidate <tabbedDialogSpec>
Invalidates all pages in the dialog.
<boolean>tabbedDialogs.OkToCommit <tabbedDialogSpec>
Returns true
if all pages in dialog are ok to commit changes. Used for modal dialogs with IDOK and IDCANCEL.
tabbedDialogs.CommitPages <tabbedDialogSpec>
Commits changes in all pages. Used for modal dialogs with IDOK and IDCANCEL.
tabbedDialogs.CloseDialog <tabbedDialogSpec>
Closes the dialog.
tabbedDialogs.CancelDialog <tabbedDialogSpec>
Cancels the dialog.
<int>tabbedDialogs.getNumPages <tabbedDialogSpec>
Returns the number of tab pages in the specified dialog.
<#(<int>,<int>)>tabbedDialogs.getPageID <tabbedDialogSpec> <tabPageSpec>
Returns the Class_ID of the specified tab page.
<#(<int>,<int>)>tabbedDialogs.getCurrentPage <tabbedDialogSpec>
Returns the Class_ID of the current tab page.
tabbedDialogs.setCurrentPage <tabbedDialogSpec> <tabPageSpec>
Sets the specified tab page as the current tab page.
tabbedDialogs.invalidatePage <tabbedDialogSpec> <tabPageSpec>
Invalidates the specified tab page.
tabbedDialogs.getPageTitle <tabbedDialogSpec> <tabPageSpec>
Returns the tab title for the specified tab page. This title is localized.
<boolean>tabbedDialogs.isPage <tabbedDialogSpec> <tabPageSpec>
Returns true
if the specified tab page is present in the dialog.
--Switch to Adv.Lighting tab if Render Scene dialog is open: if tabbedDialogs.isOpen #render do tabbedDialogs.setCurrentPage #render #(1758358594, 1812881699)