C++ API Reference
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 2019 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================
// This plug-in produces the shape node "apiMesh" and "apiMeshSubscene" dependency graph node "apiMeshCreator", and data type "apiMeshData".
// The shape node "apiMesh" performs the draw with a MPxGeometryOverride and the apiMeshSubscene with a MPxSubsceneOverride
// It demonstrates how to create a polygonal mesh shape with vertices that can be selected, moved, animated, and deformed.
// This shape also supports OpenGL display of materials.
// This plug-in also registers a new kind of geometry data called "apiMeshData", and demonstrates how to pass this data between nodes.
// The "apiMeshCreator" node can create two types of "apiMeshData": cube and sphere.
// The "shapeType" attribute is used to specify the type of shape to create.
// This node also takes normal mesh data as an input and converts it to "apiMeshData".
// If there is no input mesh, the output is based on the shapeType attribute.
// To create an "apiMesh" shape, you must first create the "apiMesh" node, then create an "apiMeshCreator" node, and connect the two nodes as follows:
// createNode apiMesh -n m1;
// createNode apiMeshCreator -n c1;
// connectAttr c1.outputSurface m1.inputSurface;
// Similarly, to create the "apiMeshSubscene" shape, you create the "apiMeshSubscene" node and a "apiMeshCreatorNode" and connect the two nodes:
// createNode apiMeshSubscene -n m1;
// createNode apiMeshCreator -n c1;
// connectAttr c1.outputSurface m1.inputSurface;
#include <math.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include "apiMeshShape.h"
#include "apiMeshGeometryOverride.h"
#include "apiMeshSubSceneOverride.h"
#include "apiMeshCreator.h"
#include "apiMeshData.h"
#include "api_macros.h"
#include <maya/MFnDependencyNode.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MFnPluginData.h>
#include <maya/MDrawRegistry.h>
#include <maya/MMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MAttributeSpecArray.h>
#include <maya/MAttributeSpec.h>
#include <maya/MAttributeIndex.h>
#include <maya/MObjectArray.h>
#include <maya/MFnSingleIndexedComponent.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MFnAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnTypedAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MPointArray.h>
#include <maya/MViewport2Renderer.h>
#include <maya/MPlane.h>
#include <maya/MArrayDataBuilder.h>
#include <maya/MEvaluationNode.h>
#include <cassert>
bool debug = false;
const char* sPlugConnection = "->-";
// If there is any connection change to the shading group, we should mark the
// material dirty in order to tell the subscene override to bind the shader again.
void MaterialDirtyCb(MNodeMessage::AttributeMessage msg,
MPlug &plug,
MPlug &otherPlug,
void *clientData)
apiMesh *pMesh = static_cast<apiMesh *>(clientData);
// Shape implementation
MObject apiMesh::inputSurface;
MObject apiMesh::outputSurface;
MObject apiMesh::cachedSurface;
MObject apiMesh::worldSurface;
MObject apiMesh::bboxCorner1;
MObject apiMesh::bboxCorner2;
MObject apiMesh::useWeightedTransformUsingFunction;
MObject apiMesh::useWeightedTweakUsingFunction;
MObject apiMesh::enableNumericDisplay;
apiMesh::apiMesh() {}
for(std::map<std::string, MCallbackId>::const_iterator i = fMaterialDirtyCbIds.begin();
i != fMaterialDirtyCbIds.end(); i++)
// Overrides
/* override */
void apiMesh::postConstructor()
// Description
// When instances of this node are created internally, the MObject associated
// with the instance is not created until after the constructor of this class
// is called. This means that no member functions of MPxSurfaceShape can
// be called in the constructor.
// The postConstructor solves this problem. Maya will call this function
// after the internal object has been created.
// As a general rule do all of your initialization in the postConstructor.
// This call allows the shape to have shading groups assigned
setRenderable( true );
// Is there input history to this node
fHasHistoryOnCreate = false;
// Used by VP2.0 sub-scene evaluator
fShapeDirty = true;
fMaterialDirty = true;
/* override */
MStatus apiMesh::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& datablock )
// Description
// When input attributes are dirty this method will be called to
// recompute the output attributes.
// Arguments
// plug - the attribute that triggered the compute
// datablock - the nodes data
// Returns
// kSuccess - this method could compute the dirty attribute,
// kUnknownParameter - the dirty attribute can not be handled at this level
if (debug)
cerr << "apiMesh::compute : plug " << plug.info() << endl;
if ( plug == outputSurface ) {
return computeOutputSurface( plug, datablock );
else if ( plug == cachedSurface ) {
return computeOutputSurface( plug, datablock );
else if ( plug == worldSurface ) {
return computeWorldSurface( plug, datablock );
else {
return MS::kUnknownParameter;
// Description
// Pre evaluate will mark the shape as dirty
// PreEvaluate will be called before each evaluation of this node
// Arguments
// context - Evaluation context in which the compute happen
// evaluationNode - contains information about the dirtyness of plugs
// Returns
// kSuccess - PreEvaluation successful,
MStatus apiMesh::preEvaluation(const MDGContext& context, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode)
if (context.isNormal())
MStatus status;
if ((evaluationNode.dirtyPlugExists(inputSurface, &status) && status) ||
(evaluationNode.dirtyPlugExists(mControlPoints, &status) && status) ||
(evaluationNode.dirtyPlugExists(enableNumericDisplay, &status) && status)
// Description
// Post evaluate will signal viewport dirty so that renderer can pick it up
// PostEvaluate will be called after each evaluation of this node
// Arguments
// context - Evaluation context in which the compute happen
// evaluationNode - contains information about the dirtyness of plugs
// evalType - type of evaluation that was performed
// Returns
// kSuccess - PostEvaluation successful,
MStatus apiMesh::postEvaluation(const MDGContext& context, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, PostEvaluationType evalType)
if (context.isNormal() && evalType != kLeaveDirty)
MStatus status;
if ((evaluationNode.dirtyPlugExists(inputSurface, &status) && status) ||
(evaluationNode.dirtyPlugExists(mControlPoints, &status) && status) ||
(evaluationNode.dirtyPlugExists(enableNumericDisplay, &status) && status)
/* override */
// Description
// Horribly abuse the purpose of this method to notify the Viewport 2.0
// renderer that something about this shape has changed and that it should
// be retranslated.
MStatus apiMesh::setDependentsDirty( const MPlug& plug, MPlugArray& plugArray)
// if the dirty attribute is the output mesh then we need to signal the
// the renderer that it needs to update the object
if ( plug == inputSurface ||
plug == mControlPoints ||
plug == mControlValueX ||
plug == mControlValueY ||
plug == mControlValueZ ||
plug == enableNumericDisplay )
return MS::kSuccess;
/* override */
// Description
// Handle internal attributes.
// Attributes that require special storage, bounds checking,
// or other non-standard behavior can be marked as "Internal" by
// using the "MFnAttribute::setInternal" method.
// The get/setInternalValue methods will get called for internal
// attributes whenever the attribute values are stored or retrieved
// using getAttr/setAttr or MPlug getValue/setValue.
// The inherited attribute mControlPoints is internal and we want
// its values to get stored only if there is input history. Otherwise
// any changes to the vertices are stored in the cachedMesh and outputMesh
// directly.
// If values are retrieved then we want the controlPoints value
// returned if there is history, this will be the offset or tweak.
// In the case of no history, the vertex position of the cached mesh
// is returned.
bool apiMesh::getInternalValue( const MPlug& plug, MDataHandle& result )
bool isOk = true;
if( (plug == mControlPoints) ||
(plug == mControlValueX) ||
(plug == mControlValueY) ||
(plug == mControlValueZ) )
// If there is input history then the control point value is
// directly returned. This is the tweak or offset that
// was applied to the vertex.
// If there is no input history then return the actual vertex
// position and ignore the controlPoints attribute.
if ( hasHistory() ) {
return MPxNode::getInternalValue( plug, result );
else {
double val = 0.0;
MStatus status;
MDataBlock datablock = result.datablock(&status);
if (!status) {
datablock = forceCache();
if ( (plug == mControlPoints) && !plug.isArray() ) {
MPoint pnt;
int index = plug.logicalIndex();
value( datablock, index, pnt );
result.set( pnt[0], pnt[1], pnt[2] );
else if ( plug == mControlValueX ) {
MPlug parentPlug = plug.parent();
int index = parentPlug.logicalIndex();
value( datablock, index, 0, val );
result.set( val );
else if ( plug == mControlValueY ) {
MPlug parentPlug = plug.parent();
int index = parentPlug.logicalIndex();
value( datablock, index, 1, val );
result.set( val );
else if ( plug == mControlValueZ ) {
MPlug parentPlug = plug.parent();
int index = parentPlug.logicalIndex();
value( datablock, index, 2, val );
result.set( val );
// This inherited attribute is used to specify whether or
// not this shape has history. During a file read, the shape
// is created before any input history can get connected.
// This attribute, also called "tweaks", provides a way to
// for the shape to determine if there is input history
// during file reads.
else if ( plug == mHasHistoryOnCreate ) {
result.set( fHasHistoryOnCreate );
else {
isOk = MPxSurfaceShape::getInternalValue( plug, result );
return isOk;
/* override */
// Description
// Handle internal attributes.
// Attributes that require special storage, bounds checking,
// or other non-standard behavior can be marked as "Internal" by
// using the "MFnAttribute::setInternal" method.
// The get/setInternalValue methods will get called for internal
// attributes whenever the attribute values are stored or retrieved
// using getAttr/setAttr or MPlug getValue/setValue.
// The inherited attribute mControlPoints is internal and we want
// its values to get stored only if there is input history. Otherwise
// any changes to the vertices are stored in the cachedMesh and outputMesh
// directly.
// If values are retrieved then we want the controlPoints value
// returned if there is history, this will be the offset or tweak.
// In the case of no history, the vertex position of the cached mesh
// is returned.
bool apiMesh::setInternalValue( const MPlug& plug, const MDataHandle& handle )
bool isOk = true;
MStatus status;
MDataBlock datablock = handle.datablock(&status);
if (!status) {
datablock = forceCache();
if( (plug == mControlPoints) ||
(plug == mControlValueX) ||
(plug == mControlValueY) ||
(plug == mControlValueZ) )
// If there is input history then set the control points value
// using the normal mechanism. In this case we are setting
// the tweak or offset that will get applied to the input
// history.
// If there is no input history then ignore the controlPoints
// attribute and set the vertex position directly in the
// cachedMesh.
if ( hasHistory() ) {
if (datablock.context().isNormal())
return MPxNode::setInternalValue( plug, handle );
else {
if( plug == mControlPoints && !plug.isArray()) {
int index = plug.logicalIndex();
MPoint point;
double3& ptData = handle.asDouble3();
point.x = ptData[0];
point.y = ptData[1];
point.z = ptData[2];
setValue( datablock, index, point );
else if( plug == mControlValueX ) {
MPlug parentPlug = plug.parent();
int index = parentPlug.logicalIndex();
setValue( datablock, index, 0, handle.asDouble() );
else if( plug == mControlValueY ) {
MPlug parentPlug = plug.parent();
int index = parentPlug.logicalIndex();
setValue( datablock, index, 1, handle.asDouble() );
else if( plug == mControlValueZ ) {
MPlug parentPlug = plug.parent();
int index = parentPlug.logicalIndex();
setValue( datablock, index, 2, handle.asDouble() );
// This inherited attribute is used to specify whether or
// not this shape has history. During a file read, the shape
// is created before any input history can get connected.
// This attribute, also called "tweaks", provides a way to
// for the shape to determine if there is input history
// during file reads.
else if ( plug == mHasHistoryOnCreate ) {
if (datablock.context().isNormal())
fHasHistoryOnCreate = handle.asBool();
// This should never happen.
return false;
else {
isOk = MPxSurfaceShape::setInternalValue( plug, handle );
return isOk;
/* override */
MStatus apiMesh::connectionMade( const MPlug& plug,
const MPlug& otherPlug,
bool asSrc )
// Description
// Whenever a connection is made to this node, this method
// will get called.
if ( plug == inputSurface )
MStatus stat;
MObject thisObj = thisMObject();
MPlug historyPlug( thisObj, mHasHistoryOnCreate );
stat = historyPlug.setValue( true );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "connectionMade: setValue(mHasHistoryOnCreate)" );
else if ( asSrc )
MObject otherNode = otherPlug.node();
if (otherNode.hasFn(MFn::kShadingEngine) &&
(plug.attribute() == instObjGroups || plug.attribute() == objectGroups) )
MStatus stat;
otherNode, MaterialDirtyCb, this, &stat);
if (stat)
std::string k = plug.name().asChar();
k += sPlugConnection;
k += otherPlug.name().asChar();
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << "apiMesh::connectionMade: " << k << endl;
fMaterialDirtyCbIds[k] = cbId;
return MPxNode::connectionMade( plug, otherPlug, asSrc );
/* override */
MStatus apiMesh::connectionBroken( const MPlug& plug,
const MPlug& otherPlug,
bool asSrc )
// Description
// Whenever a connection to this node is broken, this method
// will get called.
if ( plug == inputSurface )
MStatus stat;
MObject thisObj = thisMObject();
MPlug historyPlug( thisObj, mHasHistoryOnCreate );
stat = historyPlug.setValue( false );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "connectionBroken: setValue(mHasHistoryOnCreate)" );
else if (asSrc && otherPlug.node().hasFn(MFn::kShadingEngine) &&
(plug.attribute() == instObjGroups || plug.attribute() == objectGroups))
std::string k = plug.name().asChar();
k += sPlugConnection;
k += otherPlug.name().asChar();
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << "apiMesh::connectionBroken: " << k << endl;
if (fMaterialDirtyCbIds.find(k) != fMaterialDirtyCbIds.end())
return MPxNode::connectionBroken( plug, otherPlug, asSrc );
/* override */
MStatus apiMesh::shouldSave( const MPlug& plug, bool& result )
// Description
// During file save this method is called to determine which
// attributes of this node should get written. The default behavior
// is to only save attributes whose values differ from the default.
MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
if( plug == mControlPoints || plug == mControlValueX ||
plug == mControlValueY || plug == mControlValueZ )
if( hasHistory() ) {
// Calling this will only write tweaks if they are
// different than the default value.
status = MPxNode::shouldSave( plug, result );
else {
result = false;
else if ( plug == cachedSurface ) {
if ( hasHistory() ) {
result = false;
else {
MObject data;
status = plug.getValue( data );
MCHECKERROR( status, "shouldSave: MPlug::getValue" );
result = ( ! data.isNull() );
else {
status = MPxNode::shouldSave( plug, result );
return status;
/* override */
void apiMesh::getCacheSetup( const MEvaluationNode& evalNode,
MNodeCacheDisablingInfo& disablingInfo,
MNodeCacheSetupInfo& cacheSetupInfo,
MObjectArray& monitoredAttributes ) const
MPxSurfaceShape::getCacheSetup(evalNode, disablingInfo, cacheSetupInfo, monitoredAttributes);
/* override */
void apiMesh::componentToPlugs( MObject & component,
MSelectionList & list ) const
// Description
// Converts the given component values into a selection list of plugs.
// This method is used to map components to attributes.
// Arguments
// component - the component to be translated to a plug/attribute
// list - a list of plugs representing the passed in component
if ( component.hasFn(MFn::kSingleIndexedComponent) ) {
apiMesh* nonConstPtr = (apiMesh*)this;
MObject vtxComp = nonConstPtr->convertToVertexComponent(component);
MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnVtxComp( vtxComp );
MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
MPlug plug( thisNode, mControlPoints );
// If this node is connected to a tweak node, reset the
// plug to point at the tweak node.
int len = fnVtxComp.elementCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
/* override */
apiMesh::matchComponent( const MSelectionList& item,
const MAttributeSpecArray& spec,
// Description:
// Component/attribute matching method.
// This method validates component names and indices which are
// specified as a string and adds the corresponding component
// to the passed in selection list.
// For instance, select commands such as "select shape1.vtx[0:7]"
// or "select shape1.f[2]" are validated with this method and the
// corresponding component is added to the selection list.
// Arguments
// item - DAG selection item for the object being matched
// spec - attribute specification object
// list - list to add components to
// Returns
// the result of the match
MAttributeSpec attrSpec = spec[0];
int dim = attrSpec.dimensions();
MString name = attrSpec.name();
// Look for attributes specifications of the form :
// vtx[ index ]
// vtx[ lower:upper ]
// f[ index ]
// f[ lower:upper ]
if ( (1 == spec.length()) && (dim > 0) && ((name == "vtx") || (name == "f")) ) {
MAttributeIndex attrIndex = attrSpec[0];
int numComp;
MFn::Type typeComp;
if (name == "f") {
numComp = meshGeomToUse()->faceCount;
else {
numComp = meshGeomToUse()->vertices.length();
int upper = 0;
int lower = 0;
if ( attrIndex.hasLowerBound() ) {
attrIndex.getLower( lower );
if ( attrIndex.hasUpperBound() ) {
attrIndex.getUpper( upper );
// Check the attribute index range is valid
if ( (lower > upper) || (upper >= numComp) ) {
else {
MDagPath path;
item.getDagPath( 0, path );
MObject objComp = fnComp.create( typeComp );
for ( int i=lower; i<=upper; i++ )
fnComp.addElement( i );
list.add( path, objComp );
else {
// Pass this to the parent class
return MPxSurfaceShape::matchComponent( item, spec, list );
return result;
/* override */
bool apiMesh::match( const MSelectionMask & mask,
const MObjectArray& componentList ) const
// Description:
// Check for matches between selection type / component list, and
// the type of this shape / or it's components
// This is used by sets and deformers to make sure that the selected
// components fall into the "vertex only" category.
// Arguments
// mask - selection type mask
// componentList - possible component list
// Returns
// true if matched any
bool result = false;
if( componentList.length() == 0 ) {
result = mask.intersects( MSelectionMask::kSelectMeshes );
else {
for ( int i=0; i<(int)componentList.length(); i++ ) {
if ( (componentList[i].apiType() == MFn::kMeshVertComponent) &&
) {
result = true;
return result;
/* override */
MSelectionMask apiMesh::getShapeSelectionMask() const
// Description
// This method is overriden to support interactive object selection in Viewport 2.0
// Returns
// The selection mask of the shape
return MSelectionMask( selType );
/* override */
MSelectionMask apiMesh::getComponentSelectionMask() const
// Description
// This method is overriden to support interactive component selection in Viewport 2.0
// Returns
// The selection mask of the shape components
return retVal;
/* override */
MObject apiMesh::createFullVertexGroup() const
// Description
// This method is used by maya when it needs to create a component
// containing every vertex (or control point) in the shape.
// This will get called if you apply some deformer to the whole
// shape, i.e. select the shape in object mode and add a deformer to it.
// Returns
// A "complete" component representing all vertices in the shape.
// Create a vertex component
MObject fullComponent = fnComponent.create( MFn::kMeshVertComponent );
// Set the component to be complete, i.e. the elements in
// the component will be [0:numVertices-1]
int numVertices = ((apiMesh*)this)->meshGeomToUse()->vertices.length();
fnComponent.setCompleteData( numVertices );
return fullComponent;
/* override */
MObject apiMesh::localShapeInAttr() const
// Description
// Returns the input attribute of the shape. This is used by
// maya to establish input connections for deformers etc.
// This attribute must be data of type kGeometryData.
// Returns
// input attribute for the shape
return inputSurface;
/* override */
MObject apiMesh::localShapeOutAttr() const
// Description
// Returns the output attribute of the shape. This is used by
// maya to establish out connections for deformers etc.
// This attribute must be data of tye kGeometryData.
// Returns
// output attribute for the shape
return outputSurface;
/* override */
MObject apiMesh::worldShapeOutAttr() const
// Description
// Returns the world space output "array" attribute of the shape.
// This is used by maya to establish out connections for deformers etc.
// This attribute must be an array attribute, each element representing
// a particular instance of the shape.
// This attribute must be data of type kGeometryData.
// Returns
// world space "array" attribute for the shape
return worldSurface;
/* override */
MObject apiMesh::cachedShapeAttr() const
// Description
// Returns the cached shape attribute of the shape.
// This attribute must be data of type kGeometryData.
// Returns
// cached shape attribute
return cachedSurface;
/* override */
MObject apiMesh::geometryData() const
// Description
// Returns the data object for the surface. This gets
// called internally for grouping (set) information.
apiMesh* nonConstThis = (apiMesh*)this;
MDataBlock datablock = nonConstThis->forceCache();
MDataHandle handle = datablock.inputValue( inputSurface );
return handle.data();
/*override */
void apiMesh:: closestPoint ( const MPoint & toThisPoint, \
MPoint & theClosestPoint, double tolerance ) const
// Description
// Returns the closest point to the given point in space.
// Used for rigid bind of skin. Currently returns wrong results;
// override it by implementing a closest point calculation.
// Iterate through the geometry to find the closest point within
// the given tolerance.
apiMeshGeom* geomPtr = ((apiMesh*)this)->meshGeomToUse();
int numVertices = geomPtr->vertices.length();
for (int ii=0; ii<numVertices; ii++)
MPoint tryThisOne = geomPtr->vertices[ii];
// Set the output point to the result (hardcode for debug just now)
theClosestPoint = geomPtr->vertices[0];
/* override */
void apiMesh::transformUsing( const MMatrix & mat,
const MObjectArray & componentList )
// Description
// Transforms by the matrix the given components, or the entire shape
// if the componentList is empty. This method is used by the freezeTransforms command.
// Arguments
// mat - matrix to tranform the components by
// componentList - list of components to be transformed,
// or an empty list to indicate the whole surface
// Let the other version of transformUsing do the work for us.
transformUsing( mat,
// Description
// Transforms the given components. This method is used by
// the move, rotate, and scale tools in component mode.
// The bounding box has to be updated here, so do the normals and
// any other attributes that depend on vertex positions.
// Arguments
// mat - matrix to tranform the components by
// componentList - list of components to be transformed,
// or an empty list to indicate the whole surface
// cachingMode - how to use the supplied pointCache (kSavePoints, kRestorePoints)
// pointCache - if non-null, save or restore points from this list base
// on the cachingMode
void apiMesh::transformUsing( const MMatrix & mat,
const MObjectArray & componentList,
MVertexCachingMode cachingMode,
MPointArray* pointCache)
MStatus stat;
apiMeshGeom* geomPtr = meshGeomToUse();
// Create cachingMode boolean values for clearer reading of conditional code below
bool savePoints = (cachingMode == MPxSurfaceShape::kSavePoints);
bool restorePoints = (cachingMode == MPxSurfaceShape::kRestorePoints);
unsigned int i=0,j=0;
unsigned int len = componentList.length();
if ( restorePoints ) {
// restore the points based on the data provided in the pointCache attribute
unsigned int cacheLen = pointCache->length();
if (len > 0) {
// traverse the component list
for ( i = 0; i < len && j < cacheLen; i++ )
MObject comp = convertToVertexComponent(componentList[i]);
MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp( comp );
int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount();
for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount && j < cacheLen; idx++, ++j ) {
int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
geomPtr->vertices[elemIndex] = (*pointCache)[j];
} else {
// if the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
// should transform the entire surface
len = geomPtr->vertices.length();
for ( unsigned int idx = 0; idx < len && j < cacheLen; ++idx, ++j ) {
geomPtr->vertices[idx] = (*pointCache)[j];
} else {
// Transform the surface vertices with the matrix.
// If savePoints is true, save the points to the pointCache.
if (len > 0) {
// Traverse the componentList
for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
MObject comp = convertToVertexComponent(componentList[i]);
MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp( comp );
int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount();
if (savePoints && 0 == i) {
for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
if (savePoints) {
geomPtr->vertices[elemIndex] *= mat;
geomPtr->normals[idx] =
geomPtr->normals[idx].transformAsNormal( mat );
} else {
// If the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
// should transform the entire surface
len = geomPtr->vertices.length();
if (savePoints) {
for ( unsigned int idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx ) {
if (savePoints) {
geomPtr->vertices[idx] *= mat;
geomPtr->normals[idx] =
geomPtr->normals[idx].transformAsNormal( mat );
// Update the surface
updateCachedSurface( geomPtr, componentList );
// Description
// Update the cached surface attribute, handle the tweak history as appropriate,
// and trigger a bounding box change calculation.
// Arguments
// geomPtr - the modified geometry to apply to the cached surface attribute
void apiMesh::updateCachedSurface( const apiMeshGeom* geomPtr, const MObjectArray & componentList )
MStatus stat;
unsigned int len = componentList.length();
// Retrieve the value of the cached surface attribute.
// We will set the new geometry data into the cached surface attribute
// Access the datablock directly. This code has to be efficient
// and so we bypass the compute mechanism completely.
// NOTE: In general we should always go though compute for getting
// and setting attributes.
MDataBlock datablock = forceCache();
MDataHandle cachedHandle = datablock.outputValue( cachedSurface, &stat );
MCHECKERRORNORET( stat, "computeInputSurface error getting cachedSurface")
apiMeshData* cached = (apiMeshData*) cachedHandle.asPluginData();
MDataHandle dHandle = datablock.outputValue( mControlPoints, &stat );
MCHECKERRORNORET( stat, "updateCachedSurface get dHandle" )
// If there is history then calculate the tweaks necessary for
// setting the final positions of the vertices.
if ( hasHistory() && (NULL != cached) ) {
// Since the shape has history, we need to store the tweaks (deltas)
// between the input shape and the tweaked shape in the control points
// attribute.
stat = buildControlPoints( datablock, geomPtr->vertices.length() );
MCHECKERRORNORET( stat, "updateCachedSurface buildControlPoints" )
MArrayDataHandle cpHandle( dHandle, &stat );
MCHECKERRORNORET( stat, "updateCachedSurface get cpHandle" )
// Loop through the component list and transform each vertex.
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<len; i++ )
MObject comp = convertToVertexComponent(componentList[i]);
MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp( comp );
int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount();
for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
cpHandle.jumpToElement( elemIndex );
MDataHandle pntHandle = cpHandle.outputValue();
double3& pnt = pntHandle.asDouble3();
MPoint oldPnt = cached->fGeometry->vertices[elemIndex];
MPoint newPnt = geomPtr->vertices[elemIndex];
MPoint offset = newPnt - oldPnt;
pnt[0] += offset[0];
pnt[1] += offset[1];
pnt[2] += offset[2];
// Copy outputSurface to cachedSurface
if ( NULL == cached ) {
cerr << "NULL cachedSurface data found\n";
else {
*(cached->fGeometry) = *geomPtr;
MPlug pCPs(thisMObject(),mControlPoints);
// Moving vertices will likely change the bounding box.
computeBoundingBox( datablock );
if (datablock.context().isNormal())
// Tell maya the bounding box for this object has changed
// and thus "boundingBox()" needs to be called.
// Signal to the viewport that it needs to update the object
// Description
// Transforms the given components. This method is used by
// the move, rotate, and scale tools in component mode when the
// tweaks for the shape are stored on a separate tweak node.
// The bounding box has to be updated here, so do the normals and
// any other attributes that depend on vertex positions.
// Arguments
// mat - matrix to tranform the components by
// componentList - list of components to be transformed,
// or an empty list to indicate the whole surface
// cachingMode - how to use the supplied pointCache (kSavePoints, kRestorePoints, kUpdatePoints)
// pointCache - if non-null, save or restore points from this list base
// on the cachingMode
// handle - handle to the attribute on the tweak node where the
// tweaks should be stored
/* override */
apiMesh::tweakUsing( const MMatrix & mat,
const MObjectArray & componentList,
MVertexCachingMode cachingMode,
MPointArray* pointCache,
MArrayDataHandle& handle )
apiMeshGeom* geomPtr = meshGeomToUse();
// Create cachingMode boolean values for clearer reading of conditional code below
bool savePoints = (cachingMode == MPxSurfaceShape::kSavePoints);
bool updatePoints = (cachingMode == MPxSurfaceShape::kUpdatePoints);
bool restorePoints = (cachingMode == MPxSurfaceShape::kRestorePoints);
// It's safe to reuse the builder here rather than construct a new one because it has been initialized
// before calling this method.
MArrayDataBuilder builder = handle.builder();
MPoint delta, currPt, newPt;
unsigned int i=0;
unsigned int len = componentList.length();
unsigned int cacheIndex = 0;
unsigned int cacheLen = (NULL != pointCache) ? pointCache->length() : 0;
if ( restorePoints ) {
// restore points from the pointCache
if (len > 0) {
// traverse the component list
for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
MObject comp = convertToVertexComponent(componentList[i]);
MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp( comp );
int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount();
for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount && cacheIndex < cacheLen; idx++, cacheIndex++) {
int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
double3 & pt = builder.addElement( elemIndex ).asDouble3();
MPoint& cachePt = (*pointCache)[cacheIndex];
pt[0] += cachePt.x;
pt[1] += cachePt.y;
pt[2] += cachePt.z;
} else {
// if the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
// should transform the entire surface
len = geomPtr->vertices.length();
for ( unsigned int idx = 0; idx < len && idx < cacheLen; ++idx ) {
double3 & pt = builder.addElement( idx ).asDouble3();
MPoint& cachePt = (*pointCache)[cacheIndex];
pt[0] += cachePt.x;
pt[1] += cachePt.y;
pt[2] += cachePt.z;
} else {
// Tweak the points. If savePoints is true, also save the tweaks in the
// pointCache. If updatePoints is true, add the new tweaks to the existing
// data in the pointCache.
if (len > 0) {
for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
MObject comp = convertToVertexComponent(componentList[i]);
MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp( comp );
int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount();
if (savePoints) {
for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
double3 & pt = builder.addElement( elemIndex ).asDouble3();
currPt = newPt = geomPtr->vertices[elemIndex];
newPt *= mat;
delta.x = newPt.x - currPt.x;
delta.y = newPt.y - currPt.y;
delta.z = newPt.z - currPt.z;
pt[0] += delta.x;
pt[1] += delta.y;
pt[2] += delta.z;
if (savePoints) {
// store the points in the pointCache for undo
} else if (updatePoints && cacheIndex < cacheLen) {
MPoint& cachePt = (*pointCache)[cacheIndex];
cachePt[0] -= delta.x;
cachePt[1] -= delta.y;
cachePt[2] -= delta.z;
} else {
// if the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
// should transform the entire surface
len = geomPtr->vertices.length();
if (savePoints) {
for ( unsigned int idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx ) {
double3 & pt = builder.addElement( idx ).asDouble3();
currPt = newPt = geomPtr->vertices[idx];
newPt *= mat;
delta.x = newPt.x - currPt.x;
delta.y = newPt.y - currPt.y;
delta.z = newPt.z - currPt.z;
pt[0] += delta.x;
pt[1] += delta.y;
pt[2] += delta.z;
if (savePoints) {
// store the points in the pointCache for undo
} else if (updatePoints && idx < cacheLen) {
MPoint& cachePt = (*pointCache)[idx];
cachePt[0] -= delta.x;
cachePt[1] -= delta.y;
cachePt[2] -= delta.z;
// Set the builder into the handle.
// Tell maya the bounding box for this object has changed
// and thus "boundingBox()" needs to be called.
// Signal to the viewport that it needs to update the object
/* override */
// Description
// Transforms the given soft-selected components interpolated using the specified weights.
// This method is used by the move, rotate, and scale tools in component mode.
// The bounding box has to be updated here, so do the normals and
// any other attributes that depend on vertex positions.
// It is similar to the transformUsing() virtual function.
// Arguments
// xform the matrix representing the transformation that is to be applied to the components
// space the matrix representing the transformation space to perform the interpolated transformation.
// A value of NULL indicates it should be ignored.
// componentList a list of components to be transformed and their weights. This list will not be empty.
// cachingMode whether the points should be added/updated in the pointCache, or restored from
// the pointCache, or transform using the original values in the pointCache.
// pointCache used to store for undo and restore points during undo
// freezePlane used for symmetric transformation of components. A value of NULL indicates
// it is not used and there is no symmetric transformation.
void apiMesh::weightedTransformUsing( const MTransformationMatrix& xform,
const MMatrix* space,
const MObjectArray& componentList,
MVertexCachingMode cachingMode,
MPointArray* pointCache,
const MPlane* freezePlane )
// For example purposes only, use the default MPxSurfaceShape::weightedTransformUsing() if the
// useWeightedTransformUsingFunction is false
MPlug plg_useWeightedTransformUsingFunction( thisMObject(), useWeightedTransformUsingFunction );
bool val_useWeightedTransformUsingFunction = plg_useWeightedTransformUsingFunction.asBool();
if (!val_useWeightedTransformUsingFunction)
MPxSurfaceShape::weightedTransformUsing(xform, space, componentList, cachingMode, pointCache, freezePlane);
// Create cachingMode boolean values for clearer reading of conditional code below
bool savePoints = (cachingMode == MPxSurfaceShape::kSavePoints);
bool updatePoints = (cachingMode == MPxSurfaceShape::kUpdatePoints);
bool restorePoints = (cachingMode == MPxSurfaceShape::kRestorePoints);
bool transformOrigPoints = (cachingMode == MPxSurfaceShape::kTransformOriginalPoints);
// Pre-calculate parameters
MMatrix spaceInv;
if (space) {
spaceInv = space->inverse();
// Traverse the componentList and modify the control points
apiMeshGeom* geomPtr = meshGeomToUse();
float almostZero = 1.0e-5f; // Hardcoded tolerance
int pointCacheIndex = 0;
unsigned int len = componentList.length();
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<len; i++ )
MObject comp = convertToVertexComponent(componentList[i]);
MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp( comp );
int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount();
bool hasWeights = fnComp.hasWeights();
bool hasSeam = (NULL != freezePlane);
if (savePoints && (0 == i) ) {
for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
float perc = (hasWeights) ? fnComp.weight(idx).influence() : 1.0f;
// Only act upon points (store in pointCache, transform, etc) that have a non-zero weight
if (perc > almostZero) { // if the point has enough weight to be transformed
if (restorePoints) {
// restore the original point from the point cache
geomPtr->vertices[elemIndex] = MVector( (*pointCache)[pointCacheIndex] );
else { // perform point transformation
// Update the pointCache with the original value
if (savePoints) {
pointCache->append( geomPtr->vertices[elemIndex] );
else if ( transformOrigPoints ) { // start by reverting points back to their original values stored in the pointCache for the transformation
geomPtr->vertices[elemIndex] = MVector( (*pointCache)[pointCacheIndex] );
else if ( updatePoints ) { // update the pointCache with the current values
(*pointCache)[pointCacheIndex] = geomPtr->vertices[elemIndex];
// Compute interpolated transformation matrix
MMatrix mat;
if (perc == 1.0) {
mat = xform.asMatrix();
else {
mat = (space) ? (*space) * xform.asMatrix(perc) * (spaceInv) : xform.asMatrix(perc) ;
// transform to new position
MPoint pt = geomPtr->vertices[elemIndex]; // convert from MVector to MPoint
MPoint newp(pt);
newp *= mat;
// handle symmetry and reflection
if( hasSeam && fnComp.weight(idx).seam() > 0.0f)
newp += freezePlane->normal() * (fnComp.weight(idx).seam() * (freezePlane->directedDistance(pt) - freezePlane->directedDistance( newp)));
// Update the geomPtr with the new point
geomPtr->vertices[elemIndex] = MVector( newp );
// Update the surface
updateCachedSurface( geomPtr, componentList );
/* override */
// Description
// Transforms the given soft-selected components interpolated using the specified weights.
// This method is used by the move, rotate, and scale tools in component mode when the
// tweaks for the shape are stored on a separate tweak node.
// The bounding box has to be updated here, so do the normals and
// any other attributes that depend on vertex positions.
// It is similar to the tweakUsing() virtual function and is based on apiMesh::tweakUsing().
// Arguments
// xform the matrix representing the transformation that is to be applied to the components
// space the matrix representing the transformation space to perform the interpolated transformation.
// A value of NULL indicates it should be ignored.
// componentList a list of components to be transformed and their weights. This list will not be empty.
// cachingMode whether the points should be added/updated in the pointCache, or restored from
// the pointCache, or transform using use the original values in the pointCache.
// pointCache used to store for undo and restore points during undo
// freezePlane used for symmetric transformation of components. A value of NULL indicates
// it is not used and there is no symmetric transformation.
// handle - handle to the attribute on the tweak node where the
// tweaks should be stored
void apiMesh::weightedTweakUsing(
const MTransformationMatrix& xform,
const MMatrix* space,
const MObjectArray& componentList,
MVertexCachingMode cachingMode,
MPointArray* pointCache,
const MPlane* freezePlane,
MArrayDataHandle& handle )
// For example purposes only, use the default MPxSurfaceShape::weightedTransformUsing() if the
// useWeightedTweakUsingFunction is false
MPlug plg_useWeightedTweakUsingFunction( thisMObject(), useWeightedTweakUsingFunction );
bool val_useWeightedTweakUsingFunction = plg_useWeightedTweakUsingFunction.asBool();
if (!val_useWeightedTweakUsingFunction) {
return MPxSurfaceShape::weightedTweakUsing(xform, space, componentList, cachingMode, pointCache, freezePlane, handle);
apiMeshGeom* geomPtr = meshGeomToUse();
// Create cachingMode boolean values for clearer reading of conditional code below
bool savePoints = (cachingMode == MPxSurfaceShape::kSavePoints);
bool updatePoints = (cachingMode == MPxSurfaceShape::kUpdatePoints);
bool restorePoints = (cachingMode == MPxSurfaceShape::kRestorePoints);
bool transformOrigPoints = (cachingMode == MPxSurfaceShape::kTransformOriginalPoints);
// It's safe to reuse the builder here rather than construct a new one because it has been initialized
// before calling this method.
MArrayDataBuilder builder = handle.builder();
MPoint delta, currPt, newPt;
unsigned int i=0;
unsigned int len = componentList.length();
unsigned int cacheIndex = 0;
unsigned int cacheLen = (NULL != pointCache) ? pointCache->length() : 0;
if ( restorePoints ) {
// restore points from the pointCache
// traverse the component list
for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
MObject comp = convertToVertexComponent(componentList[i]);
MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp( comp );
int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount();
for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount && cacheIndex < cacheLen; idx++, cacheIndex++) {
int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
double3 & pt = builder.addElement( elemIndex ).asDouble3();
MPoint& cachePt = (*pointCache)[cacheIndex];
pt[0] += cachePt.x;
pt[1] += cachePt.y;
pt[2] += cachePt.z;
} else {
// Tweak the points. If savePoints is true, also save the tweaks in the
// pointCache. If updatePoints is true, add the new tweaks to the existing
// data in the pointCache.
// Specify a few parameters (for weighted transformation)
float almostZero = 1.0e-5f; // Hardcoded tolerance
MMatrix spaceInv;
if (space) {
spaceInv = space->inverse();
for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
MObject comp = convertToVertexComponent(componentList[i]);
MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp( comp );
int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount();
bool hasWeights = fnComp.hasWeights(); // (for weighted transformation)
bool hasSeam = (NULL != freezePlane); // (for weighted transformation)
if (savePoints) {
for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
float perc = (hasWeights) ? fnComp.weight(idx).influence() : 1.0f; // get the weight for the component
// Only act upon points (store in pointCache, transform, etc) that have a non-zero weight
if (perc > almostZero) { // if the point has enough weight to be transformed (for weighted transformation)
// Compute interpolated transformation matrix (for weighted transformation)
MMatrix mat;
if (perc == 1.0) {
mat = xform.asMatrix();
else {
mat = (space) ? (*space) * xform.asMatrix(perc) * (spaceInv) : xform.asMatrix(perc) ;
// Start by reverting points back to their original values stored in
// the pointCache for the transformation
if ( transformOrigPoints ) {
geomPtr->vertices[elemIndex] = MVector( (*pointCache)[cacheIndex] );
// Perform transformation of the point
double3 & pt = builder.addElement( elemIndex ).asDouble3();
currPt = newPt = geomPtr->vertices[elemIndex];
newPt *= mat;
// Handle symmetry and reflection (for weighted transformation)
if( hasSeam && fnComp.weight(idx).seam() > 0.0f)
newPt += freezePlane->normal() * (fnComp.weight(idx).seam() * (freezePlane->directedDistance(currPt) - freezePlane->directedDistance( newPt)));
// Calculate deltas and final positions
delta.x = newPt.x - currPt.x;
delta.y = newPt.y - currPt.y;
delta.z = newPt.z - currPt.z;
pt[0] += delta.x;
pt[1] += delta.y;
pt[2] += delta.z;
if (savePoints) {
// store the points in the pointCache for undo
} else if (updatePoints && cacheIndex < cacheLen) {
MPoint& cachePt = (*pointCache)[cacheIndex];
cachePt[0] -= delta.x;
cachePt[1] -= delta.y;
cachePt[2] -= delta.z;
// Set the builder into the handle.
// Tell maya the bounding box for this object has changed
// and thus "boundingBox()" needs to be called.
/* override */
// Description
// Returns offsets for the given components to be used my the
// move tool in normal/u/v mode.
// Arguments
// component - components to calculate offsets for
// direction - array of offsets to be filled
// mode - the type of offset to be calculated
// normalize - specifies whether the offsets should be normalized
// Returns
// true if the offsets could be calculated, false otherwise
bool apiMesh::vertexOffsetDirection( MObject & component,
MVectorArray & direction,
MVertexOffsetMode mode,
bool normalize )
MStatus stat;
bool offsetOkay = false ;
MObject vtxComp = convertToVertexComponent(component);
MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp( vtxComp, &stat );
if ( !stat || (component.apiType() != MFn::kMeshVertComponent) ) {
return false;
offsetOkay = true ;
apiMeshGeom * geomPtr = meshGeomToUse();
if ( NULL == geomPtr ) {
return false;
// For each vertex add the appropriate offset
int count = fnComp.elementCount();
for ( int idx=0; idx<count; idx++ )
MVector normal = geomPtr->normals[ fnComp.element(idx) ];
if( mode == MPxSurfaceShape::kNormal ) {
if( normalize ) normal.normalize() ;
direction.append( normal );
else {
// Construct an orthonormal basis from the normal
// uAxis, and vAxis are the new vectors.
MVector uAxis, vAxis ;
int i, j, k;
double a;
i = 0; a = fabs( normal[0] );
if ( a < fabs(normal[1]) ) { i = 1; a = fabs(normal[1]); }
if ( a < fabs(normal[2]) ) i = 2;
j = (i+1)%3; k = (j+1)%3;
a = sqrt(normal[i]*normal[i] + normal[j]*normal[j]);
uAxis[i] = -normal[j]/a; uAxis[j] = normal[i]/a; uAxis[k] = 0.0;
vAxis = normal^uAxis;
if( normalize ) uAxis.normalize() ;
direction.append( uAxis );
if( normalize ) vAxis.normalize() ;
direction.append( vAxis );
if ( mode == MPxSurfaceShape::kUVNTriad ) {
if( normalize ) normal.normalize() ;
direction.append( normal );
return offsetOkay ;
/* override */
bool apiMesh::isBounded() const
// Description
// Specifies that this object has a boundingBox.
return true;
/* override */
MBoundingBox apiMesh::boundingBox() const
// Description
// Returns the bounding box for this object.
// It is a good idea not to recompute here as this funcion is called often.
// Cast away the constant
apiMesh *msPtr = const_cast<apiMesh *>(this);
// This is called from the normal context.
MDataBlock datablock = msPtr->forceCache();
if ( fShapeDirty )
// Force update
MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
MPlug c1Plug( thisNode, bboxCorner1 );
MPlug c2Plug( thisNode, bboxCorner2 );
MObject corner1Object;
MObject corner2Object;
c1Plug.getValue( corner1Object );
c2Plug.getValue( corner2Object );
double3 corner1, corner2;
fnData.setObject( corner1Object );
fnData.getData( corner1[0], corner1[1], corner1[2] );
fnData.setObject( corner2Object );
fnData.getData( corner2[0], corner2[1], corner2[2] );
MPoint corner1Point( corner1[0], corner1[1], corner1[2] );
MPoint corner2Point( corner2[0], corner2[1], corner2[2] );
return MBoundingBox( corner1Point, corner2Point );
MObject apiMesh::convertToVertexComponent(const MObject& components)
MObject retVal = components;
if (components.apiType() != MFn::kMeshVertComponent)
// Convert:
MFnSingleIndexedComponent srcComponent(components);
MFn::Type srcComponentType = srcComponent.componentType();
std::set<int> srcIndices;
for (int i=0; i<srcComponent.elementCount(); ++i)
srcIndices.insert( srcComponent.element(i) );
retVal = srcComponent.create(MFn::kMeshVertComponent);
MFnSingleIndexedComponent vtxComponent(retVal);
const apiMeshGeom* geomPtr = meshGeomToUse();
unsigned int base = 0;
int edgeId = 0;
for (int faceIdx=0; faceIdx<geomPtr->faceCount; faceIdx++)
// ignore degenerate faces
int numVerts = geomPtr->face_counts[faceIdx];
if (numVerts > 2)
for (int v=0; v<numVerts; v++)
if (srcComponentType == MFn::kMeshEdgeComponent)
if (srcIndices.count(edgeId))
unsigned int vindex1 = base + (v % numVerts);
unsigned int vindex2 = base + ((v+1) % numVerts);
int vertexId1 = geomPtr->face_connects[vindex1];
int vertexId2 = geomPtr->face_connects[vindex2];
// Face component:
if (srcIndices.count(faceIdx))
unsigned int vindex = base + (v % numVerts);
int vertexId = geomPtr->face_connects[vindex];
base += numVerts;
return retVal;
/* override */
MPxGeometryIterator* apiMesh::geometryIteratorSetup(MObjectArray& componentList,
MObject& components,
bool forReadOnly )
// Description
// Creates a geometry iterator compatible with his shape.
// Arguments
// componentList - list of components to be iterated
// components - component to be iterator
// forReadOnly -
// Returns
// An iterator for the components
apiMeshGeomIterator * result = NULL;
if ( components.isNull() ) {
MObjectArray vtxComponents;
for ( int i=0; i<(int)componentList.length(); i++ )
result = new apiMeshGeomIterator( meshGeomToUse(), vtxComponents );
else {
MObject vtxComponent = convertToVertexComponent(components);
result = new apiMeshGeomIterator( meshGeomToUse(), vtxComponent );
return result;
/* override */
bool apiMesh::acceptsGeometryIterator( bool writeable )
// Description
// Specifies that this shape can provide an iterator for getting/setting
// control point values.
// Arguments
// writable - maya asks for an iterator that can set points if this is true
return true;
/* override */
bool apiMesh::acceptsGeometryIterator( MObject&, bool writeable,
bool forReadOnly )
// Description
// Specifies that this shape can provide an iterator for getting/setting
// control point values.
// Arguments
// writable - maya asks for an iterator that can set points if this is true
// forReadOnly - maya asking for an iterator for querying only
return true;
// Helper functions
bool apiMesh::hasHistory()
// Description
// Returns true if the shape has input history, false otherwise.
return fHasHistoryOnCreate;
bool apiMesh::shapeDirty()
// Description
// Returns true if the input surface of the shape has been dirtied since
// the last reset of the flag
return fShapeDirty;
void apiMesh::resetShapeDirty()
// Description
// Reset the shape dirty state of the node
fShapeDirty = false;
bool apiMesh::materialDirty() const
// Description
// Returns true if the shading group of the shape has been changed since
// the last reset of the flag
return fMaterialDirty;
void apiMesh::setMaterialDirty(bool dirty)
// Description
// Reset the material dirty state of the node
fMaterialDirty = dirty;
MStatus apiMesh::computeBoundingBox( MDataBlock& datablock )
// Description
// Use the larges/smallest vertex positions to set the corners
// of the bounding box.
MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
// Update bounding box
MDataHandle lowerHandle = datablock.outputValue( bboxCorner1 );
MDataHandle upperHandle = datablock.outputValue( bboxCorner2 );
double3 &lower = lowerHandle.asDouble3();
double3 &upper = upperHandle.asDouble3();
apiMeshGeom* geomPtr = meshGeom( datablock );
int cnt = geomPtr->vertices.length();
if ( cnt == 0 ) return stat;
// This clears any old bbox values
MPoint tmppnt = geomPtr->vertices[0];
lower[0] = tmppnt[0]; lower[1] = tmppnt[1]; lower[2] = tmppnt[2];
upper[0] = tmppnt[0]; upper[1] = tmppnt[1]; upper[2] = tmppnt[2];
for ( int i=0; i<cnt; i++ )
MPoint pnt = geomPtr->vertices[i];
if ( pnt[0] < lower[0] ) lower[0] = pnt[0];
if ( pnt[1] < lower[1] ) lower[1] = pnt[1];
if ( pnt[2] > lower[2] ) lower[2] = pnt[2];
if ( pnt[0] > upper[0] ) upper[0] = pnt[0];
if ( pnt[1] > upper[1] ) upper[1] = pnt[1];
if ( pnt[2] < upper[2] ) upper[2] = pnt[2];
// Signal that the bounding box has changed.
if ( datablock.context().isNormal() )
return stat;
MStatus apiMesh::computeInputSurface( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& datablock )
// Description
// If there is input history, evaluate the input attribute
MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
// Get the input surface if there is history
if ( hasHistory() ) {
MDataHandle inputHandle = datablock.inputValue( inputSurface, &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "computeInputSurface error getting inputSurface")
apiMeshData* surf = (apiMeshData*) inputHandle.asPluginData();
if ( NULL == surf ) {
cerr << "NULL inputSurface data found\n";
return stat;
apiMeshGeom* geomPtr = surf->fGeometry;
// Create the cachedSurface and copy the input surface into it
MFnPluginData fnDataCreator;
MTypeId tmpid( apiMeshData::id );
fnDataCreator.create( tmpid, &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "compute : error creating Cached apiMeshData")
apiMeshData * newCachedData = (apiMeshData*)fnDataCreator.data( &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, " error gettin proxy cached apiMeshData object")
*(newCachedData->fGeometry) = *geomPtr;
MDataHandle cachedHandle = datablock.outputValue( cachedSurface,&stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "computeInputSurface error getting cachedSurface")
cachedHandle.set( newCachedData );
return stat;
MStatus apiMesh::computeOutputSurface( const MPlug& plug,
MDataBlock& datablock )
// Description
// Compute the outputSurface attribute.
// If there is no history, use cachedSurface as the
// input surface. All tweaks will get written directly
// to it. Output is just a copy of the cached surface
// that can be connected etc.
MStatus stat;
// Check for an input surface. The input surface, if it
// exists, is copied to the cached surface.
if ( ! computeInputSurface( plug, datablock ) ) {
return MS::kFailure;
// Get a handle to the cached data
MDataHandle cachedHandle = datablock.outputValue( cachedSurface, &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "computeInputSurface error getting cachedSurface")
apiMeshData* cached = (apiMeshData*) cachedHandle.asPluginData();
if ( NULL == cached ) {
cerr << "NULL cachedSurface data found\n";
datablock.setClean( plug );
// Apply any vertex offsets.
if ( hasHistory() ) {
applyTweaks( datablock, cached->fGeometry );
else {
MArrayDataHandle cpHandle = datablock.inputArrayValue( mControlPoints,
&stat );
// Create some output data
MFnPluginData fnDataCreator;
MTypeId tmpid( apiMeshData::id );
fnDataCreator.create( tmpid, &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "compute : error creating apiMeshData")
apiMeshData * newData = (apiMeshData*)fnDataCreator.data( &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "compute : error gettin at proxy apiMeshData object")
// Copy the data
if ( NULL != cached ) {
*(newData->fGeometry) = *(cached->fGeometry);
else {
cerr << "computeOutputSurface: NULL cachedSurface data\n";
// Assign the new data to the outputSurface handle
MDataHandle outHandle = datablock.outputValue( outputSurface );
outHandle.set( newData );
// Update the bounding box attributes
stat = computeBoundingBox( datablock );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "computeBoundingBox" )
return stat;
MStatus apiMesh::computeWorldSurface( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& datablock )
// Description
// Compute the worldSurface attribute.
MStatus stat;
computeOutputSurface( plug, datablock );
MDataHandle inHandle = datablock.outputValue( outputSurface );
apiMeshData* outSurf = (apiMeshData*)inHandle.asPluginData();
if ( NULL == outSurf ) {
cerr << "computeWorldSurface: outSurf NULL\n";
return MS::kFailure;
// Create some output data
MFnPluginData fnDataCreator;
MTypeId tmpid( apiMeshData::id );
fnDataCreator.create( tmpid, &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "compute : error creating apiMeshData")
apiMeshData * newData = (apiMeshData*)fnDataCreator.data( &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "compute : error gettin at proxy apiMeshData object")
// Get worldMatrix from MPxSurfaceShape and set it to MPxGeometryData
MMatrix worldMat = getWorldMatrix(datablock, 0);
newData->setMatrix( worldMat );
// Copy the data
*(newData->fGeometry) = *(outSurf->fGeometry);
// Assign the new data to the outputSurface handle
int arrayIndex = plug.logicalIndex( &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "computeWorldSurface : logicalIndex" );
MArrayDataHandle worldHandle = datablock.outputArrayValue( worldSurface, &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "computeWorldSurface : outputArrayValue" );
// The builder is reused here rather than constructing a new one because the data at other
// index values needs to be preserved.
MArrayDataBuilder builder = worldHandle.builder( &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "computeWorldSurface : builder" );
MDataHandle outHandle = builder.addElement( arrayIndex, &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "computeWorldSurface : addElement" );
outHandle.set( newData );
return stat;
MStatus apiMesh::applyTweaks( MDataBlock& datablock, apiMeshGeom* geomPtr )
// Description
// If the shape has history, apply any tweaks (offsets) made
// to the control points.
MStatus stat;
MArrayDataHandle cpHandle = datablock.inputArrayValue( mControlPoints,
&stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "applyTweaks get cpHandle" )
// Loop through the component list and transform each vertex.
int elemCount = cpHandle.elementCount();
for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
int elemIndex = cpHandle.elementIndex();
MDataHandle pntHandle = cpHandle.outputValue();
double3& pnt = pntHandle.asDouble3();
MPoint offset( pnt[0], pnt[1], pnt[2] );
// Apply the tweaks to the output surface
if (elemIndex < (int)geomPtr->vertices.length())
MPoint& oldPnt = geomPtr->vertices[elemIndex];
oldPnt = oldPnt + offset;
return stat;
bool apiMesh::value( MDataBlock& datablock, int pntInd, int vlInd, double & val ) const
// Description
// Helper function to return the value of a given vertex
// from the cachedMesh.
bool result = false;
apiMesh* nonConstThis = (apiMesh*)this;
apiMeshGeom* geomPtr = nonConstThis->cachedGeom(datablock);
if ( NULL != geomPtr ) {
MPoint point = geomPtr->vertices[ pntInd ];
val = point[ vlInd ];
result = true;
return result;
bool apiMesh::value( MDataBlock& datablock, int pntInd, MPoint & val ) const
// Description
// Helper function to return the value of a given vertex
// from the cachedMesh.
bool result = false;
apiMesh* nonConstThis = (apiMesh*)this;
apiMeshGeom* geomPtr = nonConstThis->cachedGeom(datablock);
if ( NULL != geomPtr ) {
MPoint point = geomPtr->vertices[ pntInd ];
val = point;
result = true;
return result;
bool apiMesh::setValue( MDataBlock& datablock, int pntInd, int vlInd, double val )
// Description
// Helper function to set the value of a given vertex
// in the cachedMesh.
bool result = false;
apiMesh* nonConstThis = (apiMesh*)this;
apiMeshGeom* geomPtr = nonConstThis->cachedGeom(datablock);
if ( NULL != geomPtr ) {
MPoint& point = geomPtr->vertices[ pntInd ];
point[ vlInd ] = val;
result = true;
if (datablock.context().isNormal())
return result;
bool apiMesh::setValue( MDataBlock& datablock, int pntInd, const MPoint & val )
// Description
// Helper function to set the value of a given vertex
// in the cachedMesh.
bool result = false;
apiMesh* nonConstThis = (apiMesh*)this;
apiMeshGeom* geomPtr = nonConstThis->cachedGeom(datablock);
if ( NULL != geomPtr ) {
geomPtr->vertices[ pntInd ] = val;
result = true;
if (datablock.context().isNormal())
return result;
MObject apiMesh::meshDataRef( MDataBlock& datablock )
// Description
// Get a reference to the mesh data (outputSurface)
// from the datablock. If dirty then an evaluation is
// triggered.
// Calling inputValue will force a recompute if the
// connection is dirty. This means the most up-to-date
// mesh data will be returned by this method.
MDataHandle handle = datablock.inputValue( outputSurface );
return handle.data();
apiMeshGeom* apiMesh::meshGeom( MDataBlock& datablock )
// Description
// Returns a pointer to the apiMeshGeom underlying the shape.
MStatus stat;
apiMeshGeom * result = NULL;
MObject tmpObj = meshDataRef(datablock);
MFnPluginData fnData( tmpObj );
apiMeshData * data = (apiMeshData*)fnData.data( &stat );
MCHECKERRORNORET( stat, "meshGeom : Failed to get apiMeshData");
if ( NULL != data ) {
result = data->fGeometry;
return result;
apiMeshGeom* apiMesh::meshGeomToUse( )
// Description
// Returns a pointer to the apiMeshGeom underlying the shape.
// It is a convenience function to get the surface for the normal context.
MDataBlock datablock = forceCache();
return meshGeom(datablock);
MObject apiMesh::cachedDataRef( MDataBlock& datablock )
// Description
// Get a reference to the mesh data (cachedSurface)
// from the datablock. No evaluation is triggered.
MDataHandle handle = datablock.outputValue( cachedSurface );
return handle.data();
apiMeshGeom* apiMesh::cachedGeom( MDataBlock& datablock )
// Description
// Returns a pointer to the apiMeshGeom underlying the shape.
MStatus stat;
apiMeshGeom * result = NULL;
MObject tmpObj = cachedDataRef(datablock);
MFnPluginData fnData( tmpObj );
apiMeshData * data = (apiMeshData*)fnData.data( &stat );
MCHECKERRORNORET( stat, "cachedGeom : Failed to get apiMeshData");
if ( NULL != data ) {
result = data->fGeometry;
return result;
MStatus apiMesh::buildControlPoints( MDataBlock& datablock, int count )
// Description
// Check the controlPoints array. If there is input history
// then we will use this array to store tweaks (vertex movements).
MStatus stat;
MArrayDataHandle cpH = datablock.outputArrayValue( mControlPoints, &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "compute get cpH" )
// Assume that if the count is correct then the builder is up to date, otherwise
// repopulate it with the complete set of vertex data.
MArrayDataBuilder oldBuilder = cpH.builder();
if ( count != (int)oldBuilder.elementCount() )
// Make and set the new builder based on the
// info from the old builder.
MArrayDataBuilder builder( oldBuilder );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "compute - create builder" )
for ( int vtx=0; vtx<count; vtx++ )
/* double3 & pt = */ builder.addElement( vtx ).asDouble3();
cpH.set( builder );
return stat;
void apiMesh::verticesUpdated()
// Description
// Helper function to tell maya that this shape's
// vertices have updated and that the bbox needs
// to be recalculated and the shape redrawn.
void apiMesh::setShapeDirty()
fShapeDirty = true;
void apiMesh::notifyViewport()
void apiMesh::signalDirtyToViewport()
MStatus apiMesh::initialize()
// Description
// Attribute (static) initialization.
// See api_macros.h.
MStatus stat;
MFnTypedAttribute typedAttr;
MFnNumericAttribute numericAttr;
// ----------------------- INPUTS --------------------------
inputSurface = typedAttr.create( "inputSurface", "is",
MCHECKERROR( stat, "create inputSurface attribute" )
typedAttr.setStorable( false );
ADD_ATTRIBUTE( inputSurface );
useWeightedTransformUsingFunction = numericAttr.create( "useWeightedTransformUsingFunction", "utru", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true, &stat);
MCHECKERROR( stat, "create useWeightedTransformUsingFunction attribute" )
ADD_ATTRIBUTE( useWeightedTransformUsingFunction );
useWeightedTweakUsingFunction = numericAttr.create( "useWeightedTweakUsingFunction", "utwu", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true, &stat);
MCHECKERROR( stat, "create useWeightedTweakUsingFunction attribute" )
ADD_ATTRIBUTE( useWeightedTweakUsingFunction );
enableNumericDisplay = numericAttr.create("enableNumericDisplay", "end", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true, &stat);
MCHECKERROR( stat, "create enableNumericDisplay attribute" )
ADD_ATTRIBUTE( enableNumericDisplay );
// ----------------------- OUTPUTS -------------------------
// bbox attributes
MAKE_NUMERIC_ATTR( bboxCorner1, "bboxCorner1", "bb1",
MFnNumericData::k3Double, 0,
false, false, false );
MAKE_NUMERIC_ATTR( bboxCorner2, "bboxCorner2", "bb2",
MFnNumericData::k3Double, 0,
false, false, false );
// local/world output surface attributes
outputSurface = typedAttr.create( "outputSurface", "os",
MObject::kNullObj, &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "create outputSurface attribute" )
ADD_ATTRIBUTE( outputSurface );
typedAttr.setWritable( false );
worldSurface = typedAttr.create( "worldSurface", "ws",
MObject::kNullObj, &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "create worldSurface attribute" );
typedAttr.setCached( false );
typedAttr.setWritable( false );
stat = typedAttr.setArray( true );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "set array" );
stat = typedAttr.setUsesArrayDataBuilder( true );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "set uses array data builder" );
stat = typedAttr.setDisconnectBehavior( MFnAttribute::kDelete );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "set disconnect behavior data builder" );
stat = typedAttr.setWorldSpace( true );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "set world space" );
ADD_ATTRIBUTE( worldSurface );
// Cached surface used for file IO
cachedSurface = typedAttr.create( "cachedSurface", "cs",
MObject::kNullObj, &stat );
MCHECKERROR( stat, "create cachedSurface attribute" )
typedAttr.setReadable( true );
typedAttr.setWritable( true );
typedAttr.setStorable( true );
ADD_ATTRIBUTE( cachedSurface );
// ---------- Specify what inputs affect the outputs ----------
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( enableNumericDisplay, outputSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( inputSurface, outputSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( inputSurface, worldSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( outputSurface, worldSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( inputSurface, bboxCorner1 );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( inputSurface, bboxCorner2 );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( cachedSurface, outputSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( cachedSurface, worldSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( mControlPoints, outputSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( mControlValueX, outputSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( mControlValueY, outputSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( mControlValueZ, outputSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( mControlPoints, cachedSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( mControlValueX, cachedSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( mControlValueY, cachedSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( mControlValueZ, cachedSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( mControlPoints, worldSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( mControlValueX, worldSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( mControlValueY, worldSurface );
ATTRIBUTE_AFFECTS( mControlValueZ, worldSurface );
return MS::kSuccess;
MTypeId apiMeshGeometryShape::id( 0x80099 );
MTypeId apiMeshSubsceneShape::id( 0x8009A );
apiMeshGeometryShape::apiMeshGeometryShape() : apiMesh() {}
apiMeshGeometryShape::~apiMeshGeometryShape() { }
void* apiMeshGeometryShape::creator() {
return new apiMeshGeometryShape();
MStatus apiMeshGeometryShape::initialize() {
return apiMesh::initialize();
apiMeshSubsceneShape::apiMeshSubsceneShape() : apiMesh() {}
apiMeshSubsceneShape::~apiMeshSubsceneShape() {}
void* apiMeshSubsceneShape::creator() {
return new apiMeshSubsceneShape();
MStatus apiMeshSubsceneShape::initialize() {
return MS::kSuccess;
// Node registry
// Registers/Deregisters apiMeshData geometry data,
// apiMeshCreator DG node, and apiMeshShape user defined shape.
// Strings for registering vp2 draw overrides. Plugin includes implementations
// of MPxSubSceneOverride and MPxGeometryOverride, set the boolean flag below
// to choose which is used.
static MString sDrawRegistrantId("apiMeshPlugin");
MString apiMesh::sNodeName = "apiMesh";
bool apiMeshGeometryShape::sMakeGeometryOverridePointLight = (getenv("MAYA_APIMESHSHAPE_AS_POINTLIGHT") != NULL);
MString apiMeshGeometryShape::sDrawDbClassification = "drawdb/geometry/apiMesh";
MString apiMeshSubsceneShape::sDrawDbClassification = "drawdb/subscene/apiMesh";
MString apiMeshGeometryShape::sLightClass = "light:" + apiMeshGeometryShape::sDrawDbClassification + ":drawdb/light/pointLight";
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
MFnPlugin plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "3.0", "Any");
MStatus stat1, stat2, stat3, stat4;
stat1 = plugin.registerData( "apiMeshData", apiMeshData::id,
if ( ! stat1 ) {
cerr << "Failed to register geometry data : apiMeshData \n";
return stat1;
stat2 = plugin.registerShape( "apiMesh", apiMeshGeometryShape::id,
apiMeshGeometryShape::sMakeGeometryOverridePointLight ? &apiMeshGeometryShape::sLightClass : &apiMeshGeometryShape::sDrawDbClassification );
if ( ! stat2 ) {
cerr << "Failed to register shape\n";
if ( stat1) plugin.deregisterData( apiMeshData::id );
return stat2;
stat2 = plugin.registerShape( "apiMeshSubscene", apiMeshSubsceneShape::id,
&apiMeshSubsceneShape::sDrawDbClassification );
if ( ! stat2 ) {
cerr << "Failed to register shape\n";
if ( stat1) plugin.deregisterData( apiMeshData::id );
return stat2;
stat3 = plugin.registerNode( "apiMeshCreator", apiMeshCreator::id,
&apiMeshCreator::initialize );
if ( ! stat3 ) {
cerr << "Failed to register creator\n";
if ( stat2 ) {
plugin.deregisterNode( apiMeshGeometryShape::id );
plugin.deregisterNode( apiMeshSubsceneShape::id );
plugin.deregisterData( apiMeshData::id );
if (!stat4)
cerr << "Failed to register Viewport 2.0 geometry override\n";
else {
stat4 = apiMeshGeometryOverride::registerComponentConverters();
if (!stat4)
cerr << "Failed to register component converters\n";
if (!stat4)
cerr << "Failed to register Viewport 2.0 sub-scene override\n";
else {
stat4 = apiMeshSubSceneOverride::registerComponentConverters();
if (!stat4)
cerr << "Failed to register component converters\n";
return stat3;
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj)
MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
MStatus stat;
stat = apiMeshGeometryOverride::deregisterComponentConverters();
if (!stat)
cerr << "Failed to deregister component converters \n";
stat = apiMeshSubSceneOverride::deregisterComponentConverters();
if (!stat)
cerr << "Failed to deregister component converters \n";
if (!stat)
cerr << "Failed to deregister geometry override : apiMeshGeometryOverride \n";
if (!stat)
cerr << "Failed to deregister sub-scene override : apiMeshSubSceneOverride \n";
stat = plugin.deregisterNode( apiMeshSubsceneShape::id );
if ( ! stat ) {
cerr << "Failed to deregister shape : apiMeshSubsceneShape \n";
stat = plugin.deregisterNode( apiMeshGeometryShape::id );
if ( ! stat ) {
cerr << "Failed to deregister shape : apiMeshGeometryShape \n";
stat = plugin.deregisterData( apiMeshData::id );
if ( ! stat ) {
cerr << "Failed to deregister geometry data : apiMeshData \n";
stat = plugin.deregisterNode( apiMeshCreator::id );
if ( ! stat ) {
cerr << "Failed to deregister node : apiMeshCreator \n";
return stat;