C++ API Reference
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// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
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// Utilities for dealing with varying attribute on CgFX shaders
#ifndef _cgfxEffectDef_h_
#define _cgfxEffectDef_h_
// This class holds the definition of a CG effect, including the
// techniques, passes and varying parameters that it includes. Uniform
// parameters (which apply to all techniques and all passes) are
// handled in cgfxAttrDef.h/cpp
#include "cgfxShaderCommon.h"
#include "cgfxProfile.h"
#include "cgfxRCPtr.h"
class cgfxEffect;
class cgfxAttrDefList;
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MObjectHandle.h>
// A vertex attribute on the shader
// This describes both the cgfx varying parameter and where the data
// for that parameter is coming from in Maya
class cgfxVertexAttribute
void addRef() const { ++refcount; }
void release() const;
// What is the CG varying parameter?
MString fName;
MString fSemantic;
MString fUIName;
MString fType;
// Where is the data coming from in Maya?
MString fSourceName;
enum SourceType
} fSourceType;
int fSourceIndex;
// The next vertex attribute in the list
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute> fNext;
mutable int refcount; // The ref count
// source streams that the cgfx vertex attribute can be bound to
struct sourceStreamInfo
cgfxVertexAttribute::SourceType fSourceType;
MString fSourceName; // Use this instead of source index
unsigned int fOffset;
unsigned int fStride;
unsigned int fDimension;
unsigned int fElementSize; //size in bytes of each element in the stream
GLuint fDataBufferId;
// A vertex attribute structure (e.g. pack uvSet1 and uvSet2 into a single float4)
class cgfxVaryingParameterStructure
// How many elements are in this structure
int fLength;
// How many bytes are in the structure
int fSize;
struct cgfxVaryingParameterElement
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute> fVertexAttribute; // Which vertex attribute controls this parameter?
int fSize;
// Our list of elements
cgfxVaryingParameterElement fElements[ MAX_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS];
// A trivial data cache for feeding packed structures
class cgfxStructureCache
// Find an entry in the cache. Return the allocated data block, or
// null if the entry is not found.
char* findEntry(const MDagPath& shape, const MString& name);
// Add an entry in the cache. Return the allocated data block.
char* addEntry(const MDagPath& shape, const MString& name, int stride, int count);
void flush();
void flush(const MDagPath& shape);
// Prohibited and not implemented.
cgfxStructureCache(const cgfxStructureCache&);
const cgfxStructureCache& operator=(const cgfxStructureCache&);
struct Entry
Entry(const MDagPath& shape, const MString& name, int stride, int count);
MObjectHandle fShape;
MString fName;
char* fData;
Entry* fNext;
Entry* fEntries;
// A varying parameter to a pass
class cgfxVaryingParameter
// Only cgfxPass is allowed to create and destroy
// cgfxVaryingParameter's.
friend class cgfxPass;
static inline void addRecursive(
CGparameter parameter,
cgfxVaryingParameter**& nextParameter
cgfxVaryingParameter( CGparameter parameter);
// Prohibited and not implemented.
cgfxVaryingParameter(const cgfxVaryingParameter&);
const cgfxVaryingParameter& operator=(const cgfxVaryingParameter&);
void setupAttributes(
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute>& vertexAttributes,
CGprogram program
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute> setupAttribute(
MString name,
const MString& semantic,
CGparameter parameter,
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute>& vertexAttributes
void null() const;
void bind( const MDagPath& shape, cgfxStructureCache* cache,
int vertexCount, const float * vertexArray,
int normalsPerVertex, int normalCount, const float ** normalArrays,
int colorCount, const float ** colorArrays,
int texCoordCount, const float ** texCoordArrays) const;
bool bind( const float* data, int stride) const;
//viewport 2.0 implementation
bool bind(const sourceStreamInfo& source) const;
// The cg parameter
CGparameter fParameter;
// The name of the parameter
MString fName;
// GL parameter type and index (e.g. TEXCOORD*7*) used to bind this parameter.
int fGLType;
int fGLIndex;
// Which vertex attribute controls this parameter? (not used if a structure is present)
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute> fVertexAttribute;
// The structure of elements feeding this parameter (not used if an attribute is present)
cgfxVaryingParameterStructure* fVertexStructure;
// The next parameter in this pass
cgfxVaryingParameter* fNext;
// A pass in a technique
class cgfxPass
// Only cgfxTechnique is allowed to create and destroy
// cgfxPass's.
friend class cgfxTechnique;
cgfxPass(CGpass pass,
const cgfxProfile* profile);
// Prohibited and not implemented.
cgfxPass(const cgfxPass&);
const cgfxPass& operator=(const cgfxPass&);
void setupAttributes( cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute>& vertexAttributes) const;
// Specify the Cg profile to use when compiling the shader. If
// profile is NULL, the default Cg profile is used, i.e. the
// profile specified in the .cgfx file.
void setProfile(const cgfxProfile* profile) const;
void setCgState() const { cgSetPassState(fPass); }
void resetCgState() const { cgResetPassState(fPass); }
void updateCgParameters() const { cgUpdatePassParameters(fPass); }
CGpass getCgPass() const { return fPass; }
const cgfxPass* getNext() const { return fNext; }
void bind(
const MDagPath& shape, cgfxStructureCache* cache,
int vertexCount, const float * vertexArray,
int normalsPerVertex, int normalCount, const float ** normalArrays,
int colorCount, const float ** colorArrays,
int texCoordCount, const float ** texCoordArrays) const;
//viewport 2.0 implementation
void bind(const sourceStreamInfo dataSources[], const int sourceCount) const;
CGpass fPass; // The cg pass
CGprogram fProgram; // The vertex program
MString fName; // The name of the pass
cgfxVaryingParameter* fParameters; // The list of parameters in this pass
cgfxProfile fDefaultProfile; // The default profile of this pass.
cgfxPass* fNext; // The next pass in this technique
// A technique in an effect
class cgfxTechnique
// Only cgfxEffect is allowed to create and destroy
// cgfxTechnique's.
friend class cgfxEffect;
cgfxTechnique( CGtechnique technique, const cgfxProfile* profile);
// Prohibited and not implemented.
cgfxTechnique(const cgfxTechnique&);
const cgfxTechnique& operator=(const cgfxTechnique&);
// Specify the Cg profile to use when compiling the shader. If
// profile is NULL, the default Cg profile is used, i.e. the
// profile specified in the .cgfx file.
void setProfile(const cgfxProfile* profile) const;
void validate() const;
const cgfxProfile* getSupportedProfile(const cgfxProfile* profile) const;
static bool hasBlending(CGtechnique technique);
MString getName() const { return fName; }
bool isValid() const { return fValid; }
MString getCompilationErrors() const { return fErrorString; }
bool hasBlending() const { return fHasBlending; }
const cgfxPass* getFirstPass() const { return fPasses; }
const cgfxTechnique* getNext() const { return fNext; }
int getNumPasses() const { return fNumPasses; }
// The caller is the owner of the returned list!
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute> getVertexAttributes() const;
MString fName; // The name of this technique
CGtechnique fTechnique; // The cg technique
mutable bool fValid; // The cg technique is valid for the current profile
mutable MString fErrorString; // Compilation errors for this technique
bool fHasBlending; // The technique uses blending
cgfxPass* fPasses; // The list of passes in this technique
int fNumPasses; // Number of passes
cgfxTechnique* fNext; // The next technique in the effect
// An effect
class cgfxEffect
static cgfxRCPtr<const cgfxEffect> loadEffect(const MString& fileName, const cgfxProfile* profile);
bool isValid() const { return fEffect != NULL && fTechniques != 0; }
const cgfxTechnique* getFirstTechnique() const { return fTechniques; }
const cgfxTechnique* getTechnique(MString techniqueName) const;
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxAttrDefList> attrsFromEffect() const;
// Specify the Cg profile to use when compiling the shader. If
// profile is NULL, the default Cg profile is used, i.e. the
// profile specified in the .cgfx file.
void setProfile(const cgfxProfile* profile) const;
friend class cgfxRCPtr<const cgfxEffect>;
// Create a CGeffect with the proper Cg compilation flags.
cgfxEffect(const MString& fileName, const cgfxProfile* profile);
void addRef() const { ++refcount; }
void release() const;
// Prohibited and not implemented.
cgfxEffect(const cgfxEffect&);
const cgfxEffect& operator=(const cgfxEffect&);
mutable int refcount; // The ref count
CGeffect fEffect; // The cg effect
const cgfxTechnique* fTechniques; // The list of techniques in this effect
mutable const cgfxProfile* fProfile; // The current profile
#undef VALID
#endif /* _cgfxAttrDef_h_ */