C++ API Reference
This is the complete list of members for MGlobal, including all inherited members.
addToModel(MObject &object, MObject &parent=MObject::kNullObj) | MGlobal | static |
addToModelAt(MObject &, const MVector &point, const double scale[3]=NULL, const double rotation[3]=NULL, MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder order=MTransformationMatrix::kXYZ) | MGlobal | static |
animSelectionMask(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
apiVersion() | MGlobal | static |
callPythonFunction(PyObject *func, PyObject *args) | MGlobal | static |
catchAndReportPythonException() | MGlobal | static |
className() | MGlobal | static |
clearSelectionList() | MGlobal | static |
closeErrorLog() | MGlobal | static |
componentSelectionMask(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
currentToolContext() | MGlobal | static |
customVersion() | MGlobal | static |
customVersionClient() | MGlobal | static |
customVersionMajor() | MGlobal | static |
customVersionMinor() | MGlobal | static |
customVersionString() | MGlobal | static |
defaultErrorLogPathName(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
deleteNode(MObject &) | MGlobal | static |
disableStow() | MGlobal | static |
displayError(const MString &theError) | MGlobal | static |
displayInfo(const MString &theMessage) | MGlobal | static |
displayWarning(const MString &theWarning) | MGlobal | static |
doErrorLogEntry(const MString &errorLogEntry) | MGlobal | static |
errorLoggingIsOn(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
errorLogPathName(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
executeCommand(const MString &command, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executeCommand(const MString &command, MCommandResult &result, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executeCommand(const MString &command, int &result, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executeCommand(const MString &command, MIntArray &result, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executeCommand(const MString &command, double &result, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executeCommand(const MString &command, MDoubleArray &result, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executeCommand(const MString &command, MStringArray &result, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executeCommand(const MString &command, MString &result, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executeCommandOnIdle(const MString &command, bool displayEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executeCommandStringResult(const MString &command, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false, MStatus *ResultStatus=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
executePythonCommand(const MString &command, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executePythonCommand(const MString &command, int &result, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executePythonCommand(const MString &command, MIntArray &result, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executePythonCommand(const MString &command, double &result, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executePythonCommand(const MString &command, MDoubleArray &result, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executePythonCommand(const MString &command, MString &result, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executePythonCommand(const MString &command, MStringArray &result, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executePythonCommandOnIdle(const MString &command, bool displayEnabled=false) | MGlobal | static |
executePythonCommandStringResult(const MString &command, bool displayEnabled=false, bool undoEnabled=false, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
executeTaskOnIdle(MIdleTaskCallback task, void *clientData=NULL, MIdleTaskPriority priority=kLowIdlePriority) | MGlobal | static |
formatPythonError(PyObject *exception, const char *format, va_list args) | MGlobal | static |
getAbsolutePathToResources() | MGlobal | static |
getActiveSelectionList(MSelectionList &dest, bool orderedSelectionIfAvailable=false) | MGlobal | static |
getAssociatedSets(const MSelectionList &list, MObjectArray &setArray) | MGlobal | static |
getFunctionSetList(MObject forObject, MStringArray &array) | MGlobal | static |
getHiliteList(MSelectionList &dest) | MGlobal | static |
getLiveList(MSelectionList &dest) | MGlobal | static |
getOptionVarValue(const MString &name, int &value) | MGlobal | static |
getOptionVarValue(const MString &name, double &value) | MGlobal | static |
getOptionVarValue(const MString &name, MString &value) | MGlobal | static |
getPreselectionHiliteList(MSelectionList &list) | MGlobal | static |
getRichSelection(MRichSelection &dest, bool defaultToActiveSelection=true) | MGlobal | static |
getSelectionListByName(const MString &name, MSelectionList &list) | MGlobal | static |
getUILanguage() | MGlobal | static |
initOptionVar(const MString &name, int value, const MString &category) | MGlobal | static |
initOptionVar(const MString &name, double value, const MString &category) | MGlobal | static |
initOptionVar(const MString &name, MString value, const MString &category) | MGlobal | static |
isCustomVersion() | MGlobal | static |
isDefaultLanguage() | MGlobal | static |
isInCrashHandler() | MGlobal | static |
isRedoing() | MGlobal | static |
isSelected(MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
isUndoing() | MGlobal | static |
isYAxisUp(MStatus *=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
isZAxisUp(MStatus *=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
kAddToHeadOfList enum value | MGlobal | |
kAddToList enum value | MGlobal | |
kBaseUIMode enum value | MGlobal | |
kBatch enum value | MGlobal | |
kComplete enum value | MGlobal | |
kHighIdlePriority enum value | MGlobal | |
kInteractive enum value | MGlobal | |
kLibraryApp enum value | MGlobal | |
kLowIdlePriority enum value | MGlobal | |
kRemoveFromList enum value | MGlobal | |
kReplaceList enum value | MGlobal | |
kRestricted enum value | MGlobal | |
kSelectComponentMode enum value | MGlobal | |
kSelectLeafMode enum value | MGlobal | |
kSelectObjectMode enum value | MGlobal | |
kSelectRootMode enum value | MGlobal | |
kSelectTemplateMode enum value | MGlobal | |
kSurfaceSelectMethod enum value | MGlobal | |
kVeryLowIdlePriority enum value | MGlobal | |
kWireframeSelectMethod enum value | MGlobal | |
kXORWithList enum value | MGlobal | |
ListAdjustment enum name | MGlobal | |
mayaFeatureSet() | MGlobal | static |
mayaName() | MGlobal | static |
mayaState(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
mayaVersion() | MGlobal | static |
MIdleTaskCallback typedef | MGlobal | |
MIdleTaskPriority enum name | MGlobal | |
miscSelectionMask(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
MMayaFeatureSet enum name | MGlobal | |
MMayaState enum name | MGlobal | |
MSelectionMode enum name | MGlobal | |
objectSelectionMask(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
optionVarDoubleValue(const MString &name, bool *exists=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
optionVarExists(const MString &name) | MGlobal | static |
optionVarIntValue(const MString &name, bool *exists=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
optionVarStringValue(const MString &name, bool *exists=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
removeFromModel(MObject &) | MGlobal | static |
removeOptionVar(const MString &name) | MGlobal | static |
resetToDefaultErrorLogPathName() | MGlobal | static |
select(MObject &object, ListAdjustment=kAddToList) | MGlobal | static |
select(const MDagPath &object, const MObject &component, ListAdjustment=kAddToList) | MGlobal | static |
select(MDagPath &object, const MObject &component, ListAdjustment=kAddToList) | MGlobal | static |
selectByName(const MString &name, ListAdjustment=kAddToList) | MGlobal | static |
selectCommand(const MSelectionList &src, ListAdjustment=kReplaceList) | MGlobal | static |
selectFromScreen(const short &x_pos, const short &y_pos, ListAdjustment=kAddToList, SelectionMethod=kWireframeSelectMethod) | MGlobal | static |
selectFromScreen(const short &start_x, const short &start_y, const short &end_x, const short &end_y, ListAdjustment=kAddToList, SelectionMethod=kWireframeSelectMethod) | MGlobal | static |
selectionMethod(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
SelectionMethod enum name | MGlobal | |
selectionMode(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
setActiveSelectionList(const MSelectionList &src, ListAdjustment=kReplaceList) | MGlobal | static |
setAnimSelectionMask(const MSelectionMask &mask) | MGlobal | static |
setComponentSelectionMask(const MSelectionMask &mask) | MGlobal | static |
setDisableStow(bool state) | MGlobal | static |
setDisplayCVs(MSelectionList &, bool) | MGlobal | static |
setErrorLogPathName(const MString &logPathName) | MGlobal | static |
setHiliteList(MSelectionList &src) | MGlobal | static |
setMiscSelectionMask(const MSelectionMask &mask) | MGlobal | static |
setObjectSelectionMask(const MSelectionMask &mask) | MGlobal | static |
setOptionVarValue(const MString &name, int value) | MGlobal | static |
setOptionVarValue(const MString &name, double value) | MGlobal | static |
setOptionVarValue(const MString &name, MString value) | MGlobal | static |
setPreselectionHiliteList(const MSelectionList &list) | MGlobal | static |
setRichSelection(const MRichSelection &src) | MGlobal | static |
setSelectionMode(MSelectionMode mode) | MGlobal | static |
setTrackSelectionOrderEnabled(bool enable) | MGlobal | static |
setYAxisUp(bool rotateView=false) | MGlobal | static |
setZAxisUp(bool rotateView=false) | MGlobal | static |
sourceFile(const MString &fileName) | MGlobal | static |
startErrorLogging() | MGlobal | static |
startErrorLogging(const MString &logPathName) | MGlobal | static |
stopErrorLogging() | MGlobal | static |
trackSelectionOrderEnabled(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
unselect(MObject &object) | MGlobal | static |
unselect(const MDagPath &object, const MObject &component) | MGlobal | static |
unselect(MDagPath &object, const MObject &component) | MGlobal | static |
unselectByName(const MString &name) | MGlobal | static |
upAxis(MStatus *=NULL) | MGlobal | static |
viewFrame(const MTime &time) | MGlobal | static |
viewFrame(double time) | MGlobal | static |